Page 2 - Marching Along - Beta Theta Pi - University of Florida - Spring 2019
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Chapter News

                            FROM THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT

                    Brothers,               sponsorships, encouraging donations, and much   decision to run for president last fall. Even as a
                      This semester has been   more.  Through  the efforts  of our  philanthropy   sophomore, it has given me the chance to give
                    one  full  of  milestones  chair, Jack Fitzgerald, we raised over $15,000 with   back to the organization that has made me into the
                    for our chapter, and I   more to come, which is the highest total for our   man I am today and allowed me to leave my mark.
                    couldn’t be prouder to  be   philanthropy in over four years.   I’m extremely excited for what this upcoming fall
                    a Beta. Throughout this   In other news, our chapter has been consistent   semester will entail, and I thank God every day
                    spring, we have initiated   in staying above the all-campus average and the   that I am a Beta.
                    13 new members into our   IFC average regarding GPA and has done work   Yours in – kai –,
     brotherhood, held the 10  annual Beta Bring It   to continue increasing campus involvement. One
     On competition, and have had multiple brothers   of our own was recently admitted into the Gator
     do outstanding work on campus.         Student Investment Fund, an organization that
       Our chapter has always been successful in   invests over $500,000 annually. Another was a   Chase Cleveland
     recruiting some of the brightest and most passionate   director of workshops for the
     people on campus and that can be seen once again   Young Leaders Conference and
     this spring. These 13 new members are not only   a co-founder of Green Greeks.
     involved on campus in numerous organizations,   Our members are striving to
     but they also have bought in to being a Beta and   not only be leaders in their
     a Gamma Xi. Under the instruction of Federico   studies but also leaders among
     Frech and Kyle Rintoul, the spring ’19 pledge   the many students of this
     class has been molded into men of principle and   university. Over the course of
     we are excited to introduce them into our ranks   the next year we are also hoping
     as brothers.                           to improve the basement of the
       This year was the 10  anniversary for   house once again as  flooding
     our philanthropy, Beta Bring It On, a cheer   has been a consistent problem,
     competition that benefits the National Alzheimer’s   along with a replacement of the   Gamma Xis Involved in Young Leaders Conference
     Association. The yearlong effort involves our   roof.            Promoting Personal Growth and Leadership to High School
                                                                                   Students from all of Florida.
     entire chapter practicing with sororities, getting   I am very happy with my


       Ryan J. Blum                Antonio Cuccia              Chris Bott
       Wellington, FL              Smithtown, NY               Orlando, FL
       Biology                     Biochemistry                Accounting
       Spencer Preston             Harry Gornto V              Jack Loving
       Apollo Beach, FL            Destin, FL                  Roundhill, VA
       Economics                   Construction Management/real   Finance
                                   estate minor
       Andrew Bradshaw                                         Jake Yurigan
       Vero Beach, FL              Ian Debus                   Vero Beach, FL
       Food and Resource Economics  Vero Beach, FL             Food and Resource
                                   Biology                     Economics
       Davis Freeman
       Lithia, FL                  Jayce Kaldor                Kyle Rintoul
       Business Administration with a   Orlando, FL            Lithia, FL
       specialization in pre-health  Marketing/zoology minor   Accounting
       Victor Sanchez              Brett Lindbeck              Andrew Sheinbaum
       Wellington, FL              Valrico, FL                 Coral Springs, FL
       Biology                     Economics/communication     Economics, pre-dental
                                   studies and real estate minors
       Elias Selimos                                           Josh Walton
       Pompano Beach, FL           Griffin McNamara            Jupiter, FL
       Psychology/philosophy minor,   Tampa, FL                Construction
       pre-law                     Microbiology and Cell Science  Management/business   Our seniors last Mom’s Weekend.
                                                               administration minor

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