Page 1 - Kai From Pi - Spring 2018
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Pi Chapter of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity ★ Indiana University ★ Alumni Relations Office ★ P.O. Box 80828 ★ Atlanta, GA 30366 ★ Spring 2018
From The House Corporation
Brothers: construction of this expanded Men of Principle are to improve safety! With new policies enacted, the
One year has passed since worthy of your study! moratorium ceased Feb 28, 2018.
the tragic death of Pledge Beta risk management guidelines have been outspo- Enhanced communications among house corpora-
member Tim Piazza at the ken, firm, and unwavering in chapter behavior: sober tions, executive officer teams, and national offices
Penn State Beta Theta Pi home. monitors, limited number of people, no open contain- with the university are planned. Greek homes house
His pledge class was subjected ers, and transportation safety. However, “pre-partying,” students at the pleasure of the university, and homes
to a night of hazing, forced hard alcohol, shot-culture, and the herd mentality with that don’t comply with safety and communication
alcohol consumption, and students corrupt these efforts. oversight may not be sustainable within the university.
verbal abuse. Piazza fell down On March 10, IU Provost Lauren Robel hosted 10 Several colleagues and I support the Herman B. Wells
a stairwell sustaining closed head trauma and a ruptured Greek alumni to the Wells house to align future efforts Mentoring Fund within the IU Foundation. This fund
spleen. His unconscious state and the inattention led to to intercept what all college administrations now face. directs administrative support capital to IU student life
a delay in transfer to a hospital, and emergency surgery Accidental, tragic death syndrome in the context of and learning offices, which oversee and manage our IU
did not save him. In-house video captured and docu- higher education institutions derails student safety, risk Greek students, now doubled in population from 10
mented a majority of the night. Criminal indictments management, alumni affection, and future recruitment years ago!
have been extended to 18 of the members, and 20-plus to the institution. I request your support for the Herman B. Wells
members had membership terminated. The IU contract with Greek houses, now two years Mentoring Fund in your philanthropy as an investment
Phi Delta Theta also saw death of pledge member into process, has evolved Greek culture favorably. in Pi Chapter’s future. Presidents and provosts of the
at LSU in September due to forced consumption; new Pledge/new member training has been reduced; a live- 12 Big Ten universities met in Ohio for shared interest
member poisoning deaths at Pi Kappa Phi and Phi in advisor/manager, socials announced 10 days prior to discussions in late April. Expanded Greek oversight
Kappa Psi at Florida State and Texas State amplify the an event, a guest list, sober monitors, and the personnel directives drafted were presented.
call for reform—real reform—to redirect safe student within the college to audit this has been operational. On Expectations of an expanded envelope of gover-
operations! Beta Theta Pi Trustees have been analyz- November 27, 2017, the Interfraternity Council self- nance oversight, communication obligations, and
ing data on chapters who consume and substance free imposed a moratorium on alcoholic social events and safety metrics will happen. Growth in substance free
chapters. unsupervised new member education activities. operations will also evolve through Beta’s Men of
Liability claims among substance free chapters are Achievable goals in academics, sober social events, Principle developments.
less than half as frequent as “wet” chapters; impres- educational programs, community service projects, Yours_in_kai,
sively, claims are much smaller and not as sizable improved expectations in recruitment, cohesive Dr. Charles McCormick III ’72
either. Thus, our trustees have struck upon a mission new member education, effective internal standards President
to evolve our 130 chapters and colonies to substance panels, standardized risk management with IFC and Marching Along Educational Foundation
free brotherhood. Specific terms identified within the Panhellenic, and social event limitations were revised
Chapter Spotlight JaCk MCNaMara
Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as
Spotlight is Jack McNamara. Jack is captain of
the Beta bike team, and president of the Little
500 Rider’s Council. A Kelley School student,
he is also a member of the investment banking
leadership team. From the hometown of Arlington
Heights, Jack is scheduled to graduate this spring
with a degree in finance. Having served the chap-
ter as Alumni Relations VP, he was also kept busy
with an internship at Jefferies in NYC. Jack will
be working full time as a strategy and operations
business analyst for Deloitte Consulting. Jack racing during his freshman year,.
What have you enjoyed most dur- average of the 10 people you surround me a reason to be competitive, to Chicago as a strategy and opera-
ing your time as an active chapter yourself by most. I am a firm believer shoot for a difficult goal, and the tions business analyst for Deloitte
member? in this, and constantly being around Pi chance to push myself to mental and Consulting.
The thing I have enjoyed most as an Chapter friends makes me a better man. physical limits I did not know I had. Outside of school, what do you do
active chapter member is being con- How has been part of the Beta Being on such a storied team such as for fun?
stantly surrounded by people who push bike team shaped your college Beta Cycling is an opportunity I will I cycle through Bloomington,
me to be my best self. A great friend experience? be forever grateful for. watch Chicago sports, and watch
in my fall 2014 pledge class, Michael Cycling has made my college career Any plans yet for after graduation? FBI-related documentaries.
McHugh, always says that you are the so much more fulfilling. It has given I plan on working full-time in