Page 2 - Kai From Pi - Spring 2018
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Chapter News
From the Alumni Relations Chairman
Brothers, highest within the fraternities) Betas are also showing
As the spring season is their prowess in the classroom.
just on the horizon here in We welcomed a great pledge class of 20 after a suc-
Bloomington, the Pi Chapter cessful recruitment. We look forward to their develop-
is excited to finish out this ment into Men of Principle over the coming weeks. We
academic year strong! plan to initiate them in late April, and we would love to
These past two semes- see alumni attending the event so please contact me if
ters have been a fantastic you are interested.
learning opportunity for Please reach out to me with anything and we would
the Pi Chapter. As many of you may have heard, the love for you to visit the house and meet some of the
Interfraternity Council at Indiana University decided to newer brothers. Thank you again for the continued
suspend social activities for the chapters that compose support!
the organization from December 2017 until March Yours in _kai_,
1, 2018. This was a time for the chapters to immerse Nickolas Day #3066
themselves in self-reflection and to forward themselves
without the distractions of social activities. This time 574-807-5881
was used extremely well by the Pi Chapter. We worked
very hard to use the time to build up our brotherhood
as well as the relationship
between the Greek commu-
nity and the university. Pi Chapter working with Kappa Kappa Gamma in a
With the election of risk management workshop.
Jackson Laterza as the
president of the IFC and
Jacob Parmater as the vice
president of finance of the
IFC as well, Beta is again
showing the leadership of
its members in Indiana’s
strong Greek community.
The Pi Chapter Betas also
have a strong presence in
the Investment Banking
Workshop, the Investment
Management Workshop,
Global Sales Workshop, and
the Real Estate Workshop.
As well as maintaining an
average of a 3.3 GPA (third Pi brothers after winning our Drop the Puck on Cancer game against an all-star A few executive members at the Keystone Leadership
lineup of fraternity men spanning six different fraternities. Conference.
Newly elected officers Save Date
The Pi Chapter held elections for the 2018-2019 executive team and the positions are as follows: ★
President Risk Manager
Alex Fratila, Fall 2016 RJ Schuster, Spring 2017
External Vice President Alumni Relations Chair
Parker Hewitt, Fall 2017 Nick Day, Fall 2016
Internal Vice President Academic Chair
Michael Caputo, Fall 2016 Luke Pillarella, Fall 2016
Secretary House Manager
Chris Tsourmas, Fall 2017 Matt Avila, Fall 2016 HoMECoMIng 2018
Pledge Educator Social Chairs Saturday, october 13th
Kevin Doran, Fall 2016 Joey O’Keefe, Fall 2016 vs. Iowa Hawkeyes
Treasurer Drew Docherty, Fall 2017 Game Time TBA
Mike O’Neill, Fall 2016 Philanthropy Chair Stay tuned for event details this fall.
Recruitment Chairs Nick Fischer, Fall 2016
Matt Sollmer, Fall 2016 We hope to see you there!
Michael Pavlakovich, Fall 2016