Page 3 - Kai From Pi - Spring 2018
P. 3

News & Notes

                                    philaNthropy Update

      By Nick Fischer
        Worldwide, 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year. And in the
      U.S., more children die of childhood cancer than any other disease—more than
      AIDS, asthma, cystic fibrosis, congenital anomalies, and diabetes combined. So,
      to combat this ever-growing problem, on Saturday, April 6, 2018, brothers of the
      Pi Chapter hosted a head-shaving event for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.
                                            Brothers shaved their
                                          heads to support children
                                          with cancer and brought in
                                          donations by participating
                                          in this amazing organiza-
                                          tion’s event.
                                            This foundation works
                                          closely with leading pedi-
                                          atric oncologists to deter-
                                          mine the most promising
                                          research to fund and create
                                          funding priorities to make
                                          the greatest impact for
                                          children with cancer.
                                            This event is a part of
                                          the movement to help fund
         Organizers of Face Off for the Forces—the
      annual philanthropy lacrosse games benefiting the   the best childhood cancer
       Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation  —two of   research, one shave at a
                  whom are Betas!         time.                             St. Baldrick’s participants before and after.

     Beta Convention at Salt Lake City                                                       Alumni News

                                                    Former Pi Chapter President Nick Issacs
                                                     meets the Georgetown University Beta
                                                            house president!
                                                                                    Gary L. Dagg ’72 (pictured above) is working in
         Pi Chapter Betas at Convention: (L-R) Nick Issacs, N
       Mpistolarides, Ryan Kearney, Jacob Parmater, and Brandt                      the movie industry camera department as a key grip.
                                                                                    Gary is known for his work on Starship Troopers
                                                                                    (1997), Hollow Man (2000) and Race to  Witch
                                                                                    Mountain (2009). Be sure to check out his work and
                                                                                    full bio on IMDB!
                                                                                    Kyle Dietz ’09, founding father Beta from IU, is
                                                                                    recovering from a life threatening medical condi-
                                                                                    tion. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

                                                                                       HAve AluMnI newS?

                                                                                           We want to hear from you!
                                                                                          Send your personal updates,
                                                                                     accomplishments, adventures, and photos
                                                                                             to Account Manager
                                                                                              Kasey Breedlove at
                                                    (L-R) Nick Mpistolarides, Ryan Kearney,
      Discussion period during career track of Leadership College.  Jacob Parmater, and Nick Issacs.
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