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                                   Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity | Georgia Institute of Technology | Fall 2016

                                  AlumniRelationsOffice | P.O.Box 80828 Atlanta,Georgia 30366 |

                                             Letter from the BOA Chairman
      TKE Beta Pi                         Beta Pi One of Top Fraternities on Campus

      Board of Advisors:
                                       Dear Fraters:                           for the board of advisors, my goal for the next two
      Ric Gray                           It is with great pride I write this message today,   years  is  to  focus  on  operational  excellence.  Not
      Chairman                         with  our  undergrads  having                          only  operational  excellence              just won the Top Teke Chap-                            for  the  undergrad  chapter,
      770-570-8671                     ter  Award.  It  has  been  over                       but  also  in  our  communica-
                                       four  years  since  I  took  over                      tions  with  alumni. There  are
      Keith Altobelli                  as Chairman of our Board of                            many areas for us to improve,
      Finances                         Advisors. My first few years in                        most importantly, knowledge
                                       office, I have been focused on                         management  and  retention.
      Matt Biggers                     recruiting a larger board with                         With  the  transitional  nature
      Facilities                       a  mindset  of  participation                          of a college fraternity and the             and  engagement  with  the                             constant  transition  to  new
      Michael Costner                  undergrad  chapter.  My  goal                          leaders,  our  undergrads  of-
      Kitchen                          is to build a strong board of                          ten have to “reinvent” or “re-
                                       15—20  alumni  representing                            discover” operational knowl-
      Scott McNinch                    all  age  groups.  My  desire  is                      edge  and  skills  that  have
      Membership Development           to  have  enough  bandwidth                            been done many times before         on  the  board  so  the  effort                        but often lost in the constant
                                       does  not  become  a  burden                           turnover.
      Michael Smith                    on  a  select  few,  but  rather                          It’s my strong belief that if
      Recorder and Chapter Adviser     a  rewarding  and  enriching   At  our  most  recent  BOA  meeting,   we make better use of tech-
                                       three- to five-year service for   Chairman  Ric  Gray  presented  Jake   nology  to  enable  the  board
      Matt Zerkus                      a  larger  number  of  alumni.   White  with  a  plaque  to  express  our   and chapter officers to retain
      Recruiting                       With greater numbers, we will   appreciation for his leadership.  basic  knowledge  on  opera-                be able to focus on achieving                          tions and pass it down to the
      Minton O’Neal                    higher goals and guiding the chapter to more Top   younger new officers consistently each year, then
                                       Teke awards.
                                                                               we as a collective group can achieve even greater
      Philanthropy                       Over the past few years we have come a long   goals and make Top Teke an annual occurrence.
                                       way toward achieving that goal and currently have   The  board  of  advisors,  working  in  conjunction
      Bryan Hess                       14 board members both young and old. Although             (continued on next page)
      Alumni Relations                 I will always have a need to continue recruitment
      678-354-8340                            Beta Pi Takes Top TKE Award

      Justin Migliaccio
      Alumni Relations                Fraters:
      Karl Paul                          It is with great pleasure that I announce to you   support  over  this  past  year.  It  would  have  been
      Member At Large                 all that Beta Pi has been recognized and awarded   much harder on Danny and I had you all not been          as a Top TKE Chapter for the 2015-2016 year! I   there to guide us along the way. So with that
                                      just got off the phone with Cory Martin from   said, congratulations to you all!
      Doug Hale                       HQ, who gave me the news. Twelve out               I am confident that this success will
      Member At Large                 of  251  chapters  were  given  the  award       be something that the chapter will be
                                      this year, but he said that we were con-         able to continue in the coming years,
      Gavin Rinaldo                   sidered in the top three nationwide. HQ          and I look forward to using this as mo-
      Ex Officio Resident Adviser     should be sharing the news publicly               mentum for the coming year.
                                      in the near future.                                                       YITB,
      Jake White                         I really want to say thank you                                     Jake White
      Ex Officio, Chapter Prytanis    to all of you for your continued                                        Prytanis
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