Page 2 - The Tech Teke - Fall 2016
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Scott McNinch ’84 Sets Up Member
Development Program
Scott McNinch, ME 1984, has set up a great program that pairs • Career/job input and discussion on options for graduate job
current chapter upperclassmen with TKE alumni. The main objectives • Job interview guidance (both for internship, co-op, and graduate
of the member development program include pairing an alumni mentor job)
with an undergraduate upperclassman to provide guidance with: • Job networking
• Career/job input to align with degree Here is the latest list of alumni/undergraduate pairings:
Matt Polley Third year–BA Woodstock, GA Justin Migliaccio #1368 2012–BA Alpharetta, GA
Sam Rubin Fourth year–BA Woodstock, GA Minton O’Neal 1986–BSIM Atlanta, GA
Tim Singer Fourth year–BA Suwanee, GA Keith Altobelli 1986–BSIM Marietta, GA
Harrison Cowart Third year–Bio chem Savannah, GA Chase Hartline #1366 2012–BChE Atlanta, GA
Andrew Chan Third year–BME Boston, MA Paul MarGAritis #472 1972–BChE Houston, TX
Quin Murphy Third year–BME Covington, GA Tasso Ghionis 1982– BChE, MSChE (’85) Spartanburg, SC
Bobby Szoch Fifth year–CE Acworth, GA Jimmy Matthews, #990 1995– CE, Masters NE Hawaii (Air Force)
Anay Nawathe Fifth year–Comp E Lawrenceville, GA Oliver Barrett #1258 2008– CmpE San Francisco, CA
Richard Li Third year–CS Johns Creek, GA Rusty Wallace #1230 2004–CS Buckhead, GA
Quinten Ziegler Third year–EE Mequon, WI Joshua Marcy #1265 2008–BSME Atlanta, GA
Jack Zhang Fifth year–IE Lilburn, GA Ric Gray 1986– ISyE Atlanta, GA
Kirby Carmack Fourth year–ME Poolesville, GA Scott McNinch #775 1984–BSME Alpharetta, GA
Hunter Ray Fourth year–MSE Suwanee, GA Keith Deweese #1078 1999– AE (MS AE MD) Greenbelt, MD
This is another example of how we can all contribute to the undergraduate chapter. Thanks to all of the current alumni mentors, and a special
thanks to Scott to get the ball rolling with this program. If you are interested in becoming a mentor to an undergraduate, please contact Scott
McNinch at We also have continuing need for any alumni who would like to be guest speakers to the undergrads.
If you would like to visit the house and share your experiences, values, and lessons from business and life after college, contact Bryan Hess at or Ric Gray at
Letter from the toring juniors and seniors on career devel- “Congratulations to the
opment, or simply coming to the house for
BOA Chair a home football game, I encourage you to entire chapter on receipt of
reconnect with your fraternity. It truly is a re-
(continued from page one) warding experience to give back to that which the Top Teke award!
gave us all so much. It is a testament to your
with the chapter officers, is putting a series We have a great fraternity and we are all
of workshops together to put the programs in very fortunate to be a part of Beta-Pi. Please hard work and dedication.
place necessary to achieve this goal. don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you want A special thanks to
You’ll be happy to hear your Beta-Pi chap- to get more involved or even if you have ideas Jake White, Prytanis.
ter is healthy and as strong as ever. Still one to share or simply want to reconnect.
of the top fraternities on campus and enjoying YITB, Jake demonstrated
a tremendous run of exceptional leadership, Ric Gray exceptional vision and
helping them achieve things like Top Teke. If Chairman
you are so inclined, I encourage you to get Board of Advisors organizational skills in
involved. Whether it’s through the board of Beta-Pi #828 bringing the undergrads
advisors, committee work (like homecoming 770-570-8671 together.”
or alumni communications), fundraising for
phase two of the house construction, men-
2 The Tech Teke | Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity | Georgia Institute of Technology | Fall 2016