Page 3 - The Tech Teke - Fall 2016
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Two Oustanding Fraters Awarded

                    John A. and Clare B. Reagan Scholarship

           In  2009,  "Yogi"  (with  Clare's  long  time   In keeping with the focus of this scholar-  administers  the  scholarship  after  receiving
        commitment  and  support)  was  honored  for   ship,  we  want  to  award  to  someone  that   recommendations from a selection committee
        over 40 years of his ongoing commitment to   mirrors  as  best  as  possible  the  many  traits   made up of Beta Pi Tekes Ric Gray, Mike Smith,
        TKE  and  Beta  Pi  in  many  capacities  by  the   that Yogi has displayed for 50 years since his   Michael  Zerkus,  Karl  Paul,  and  John  and
        Beta  Pi  Board  of  Advisers  establishing  the   initiation. Love of fraternity, contributions with   Clare's daughter, Emilie Henry, vice president
        scholarship. We have received over $35,000   much humility, the middle man in many differ-  of  institutional  development  at  the  West-
        from Beta Pi Tekes in contributions and have   ences, loved and respected by all regardless   minster Schools in Atlanta. Financial need is
        built  an  endowment  through  the  Georgia   of differences of opinions and a true represen-  a  significant  factor  to  be  considered  by  the
        Tech  Foundation.  This  year,  and  for  many   tative of the values of TKE. Not necessarily the   foundation in the decision of the winner.
        years to come, we will be awarding a $1,000   highest GPA or the most offices held, but the   The first Reagan Scholarship was awarded
        to $2,000 scholarship to the most deserving   member who continually represents Beta Pi in   to Adam Yura in 2015.
        undergraduate members(s) of TKE/Beta Pi at   a positive, ongoing manner.     For  2016  we  have  two  winners:  Michael
        Georgia Tech.                           Currently,  the  Georgia  Tech  Foundation   Foster ($1,200) and Michael Goclon ($1,000).
                                  Michael  Foster  will  graduate  in                    Michael  Goclon  will  graduate  in
                                May 2017 with 3.5 GPA in business ad-                  May 2017 with a 3.0 in mechanical en-
                                ministration/finance  concentration.                   gineering. From Galloway, New Jersey,
                                From  Fitzgerald,  Georgia,  Michael                   Michael has served as Kitchen Stew-
                                has  served  as  Histor,  Grammateus,                  ard,  Greek Week  Chair,  Homecoming
                                Kitchen Steward, EpiPrytanis and act-                  Wreck Chair, and TKE Tug coach. Mi-
                                ing Prytannis (summer 2015). Michael                   chael  is  a  member  of  the  American
                                has been a co-op with Equifax Client                   Society of Mechanical Engineers and
                                Lean, interned at GT Strategic Consult-                vice  president  of  the  GT  Intellectual
                                ing, and is an active member of ODE                    Property Student Organization. He is
         Economics honor society, the Sports Business Club and Executive   working with a bioengineering startup through GT’s startup lab, and
         Round Table. Outside of tech, Michael is a big brother with Big Broth-  interned with Rolls-Royce in Indianapolis this past summer. This fall
         ers/Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta. This past summer, he worked with   he will be in Madrid, Spain, in the GT Study Abroad program, and will
         Dimensional Fund Advisers in Austin, Texas.            and return to Tech in January.

              Undergraduates Raise More Than $15,000 for

                            St. Baldrick’s Philanthropy Event

                                  Make plans to contribute in 2017!

           This  past  spring,  the  undergraduate  chapter  participated  in  an   cer research.  This event went a long way toward helping the chapter
        event called St. Baldrick’s at which may of them shaved their heads at   earn TOP TEKE.  They received donations totaling more than $15,000.
        a local pub.  This was one of several philanthropy events the chapter   Great work, guys!  We will help get the word out sooner next year, in an
        conducted, this one to raise money and awareness for children’s can-  effort to raise even more money for this worthy cause.


        The Tech Teke | Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity | Georgia Institute of Technology | Fall 2016                 3
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