Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2017
P. 3

Chapter News


        Sigma Chi participated in its first philanthro-  the other fraternities pay to play in the philan-
     py hockey game in March with Alpha Tau Ome-  thropy game.
     ga, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon.  Leading up to the philanthropy hockey   Join us during the
        Sigma Chi played a major role in the or-  game, the Kappa Kappa Chapter raised around   2017 Football Season
     ganization of the philanthropy hockey game,  $10,000 for the Derby challenge, which was
     hosting and planning the entire event from start  generated from Derby Days alone. The philan-  Oskee Wow-Wow!
     to finish. With this being said, all the proceeds  thropy hockey game raised a total of $3,573,
     raised from the event went toward the Hunts-  which puts us right under $14,000 so far for   Iowa Hawkeyes
     man Cancer Foundation. Money was raised by  this year’s Derby challenge.          Saturday, October 7, 11:00 a.m.
     selling tickets and T-shirts, as well as by having          Nicholas J. Bleidorn
                                                                                           Rutgers Scarlet Knights*
                                                                                         Saturday, October 14, TBA
                                                                                          Minnesota Golden Gophers
     Chapter President (continued from previous page)                                Saturday, October 21, 2:30/3:00 p.m.

     represented on numerous student organizations   proven dedication to our fraternity is what every   Wisconsin Badgers (HC)*
     on campus, holding executive positions, includ-  Kappa Kappa Sigma Chi strives to emulate.  Saturday, October 28, 11:00 a.m.
     ing three student-body presidents.        On top of sending eight brothers to Balfour   Purdue Boilermakers
        We initiated 32 brothers in December, and   this summer, Kappa Kappa will be represented   Saturday, November 4, TBA
     nine more deserving brothers in April. The pledge   by Alex Thomas and Nick Bleidorn at Hori-  Indiana Hoosiers*
     class of 2020 exemplifies the Standard in ev-  zons as well. We have high hopes of them   Saturday, November 11, TBA
     ery way, and we are proud to call them our   using the knowledge they learned at Hori-
     brothers. Preparations for fall rush are cur-  zons to help better our chapter for the fol-  Ohio State Buckeyes
     rently underway, with our first recruitment   lowing school year.                   Saturday, November 18, TBA
     event at Arlington Racetrack in early August.  Lastly, I encourage and welcome our    Northwestern Wildcats*
        I would like to congratulate Mike Church   alumni to visit our chapter house. Our brothers   Saturday, November 25, TBA
     on becoming Sigma Chi’s executive director.   look forward to meeting you, as do I.  Big Ten Championship Game
     His commitment and service to Sigma Chi in                                        Saturday, December 2, 7:00 p.m.
     his post-grad years sets a phenomenal example                     Guard well,
     to our undergraduate brothers in the house. His            Jordan Meadows ’19     * Home games in Memorial Stadium
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