Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2017
P. 4

Chapter/Alumni News

                Chapter                       Neal Hammon ’48 (continued from page 1)

        Executive Board                       What was it like coming back to Illinois af-  After graduation, how did you stay in
                                              ter WW II?
                                                                                    touch with your chapter brothers?
                                                 It was very nice seeing old friends on cam-  I enjoyed dropping by the school to visit
                    Consul                    pus again, but there were so many Sigma Chi  the chapter house. In 1949, not long after I
                Jordan Meadows                brothers that we had to open a second house  had graduated from college and was working
                                              next door to the main chapter house to ac-  as a civilian, I drove up to Illinois to visit some
                  Pro Consul                  commodate everyone. Bidwell’s was always a  friends after their exams, and on a whim, sev-
                   Riley Myles                comfort. Significant Sig Ruck Steger ’48 was  eral of us ΣΧs decided to visit New Orleans
                                              a friend of mine, but being a vet from WW  for Mardi Gras. One of our Phi Delt friends
                 Jack Mahoney                 II, I was recalled for the Korean War, and we  was with us, but somewhat inebriated, and
                                              did not see each                      decided to come along. The next morning,
                House MAnAger                 other much af-                        driving thru Memphis, the Phi Delt woke up,
                  Liam Griffin                ter that. If you                      and he remembered that he had an exam that
                                              like great stories,                   day. It was either hitchhike back to school, or
                   QuAestor                   here is one about                     continue the trip with us. He chose the latter.
               Andrew Martineau               Ruck …
                                                 Back     in                        In your career, what did you enjoy most
                   MAgister                                                         as an architect?
                  Joe Chignoli                1947,    Illinois
                                              played and beat                          I enjoyed designing buildings, but in most
                 risk MAnAger                 UCLA in the                           cases, I was restrained by economic factors.
                  John Lampros                Rose Bowl. Ruck                       My clients usually wanted a better building
                                              was on the first                      than they could afford. The most difficult
                   stewArd                    team.  When  we                       part of architecture was keeping up with all
               George Deligiannis             all got back to                       the government regulations pertaining to the
                                              school after the                      building design. It seemed like every year we
                 soCiAl CHAirs
         Luke Ortegel    Tommy Abrams         Christmas-New    Ruck Steger & his wife.  had to acquire three or four books because of
                                              Year’s  break,  he                    the new building codes.
              sCHolArsHiP CHAirs              told  us fellows who did not  get to  see the
          Rick Hatton       Ben Jones         game about something that happened to him.   At what point did you embrace the farm-
                                              Ruck said that the team had a play where they   ing life?
                MediA direCtor                faked the ball to him, and he started around   I finally took the big step a year after I re-
                Nicholas Bleidorn             tackle pretending to be the man carrying the  turned from Korea. I married Barbara Bidwell,
                                              ball. Each time they used that play, it worked  who was a Kappa Delta at the University of
                  rusH CHAirs
         Peter Paxinos    Anthony Greco       out very well, and they were making good  Kentucky. After the birth of our first child, I
          Charlie Yale   Tommy Abrams         yardage, and so they kept using it, and every  bought a house using the GI Bill; as a veter-
        Justin McGowan     Joe Garibotti      time they used it, a UCLA linebacker would  an, we were allowed a low interest rate, so the
                                              tackle Ruck. Finally, near the end of the third  mortgage payments were very reasonable. After
               dAds’ dAy CHAirs               quarter, the UCLA linebacker tackled Ruck  a tornado destroyed one home, and a lightning
          Eric Ziegler   Anthony Bellanca     again, and as they were getting up, he looked  strike burned down the rebuild, we decided
                                              over at Ruck and said “Ain’t you got the ball  maybe it was time to move out to the country.
                   HistoriAn                  again?” Ruck and all the Sigma Chi brothers
                  Quinn Julian                                                      When did you develop an interest in writing?
                                              thought that was very hilarious.
                                                                                       All architects must be able to write. On
              derby dAys CHAirs
         Charles Spring  George Deligianni                                               each job, we prepared a book  (called ar-
                                                                                         chitectural specifications) that contains
             PHilAntHroPy CHAirs                                                         between 120 to 300 pages, depending
        Tucker Goebeler    Eric Ziegler                                                  upon the complexity of the building. I
                                                                                         was always interested in history, partic-
           House iMProveMent CHAir                                                       ularly subjects that others had ignored.
               George Deligiannis
                                                                                                     (continued on next page)
               brotHer At lArge
                  Angelo Feola                                                           Neal, just out of the US Navy, with a
                                                                                         fellow Illinois student. Theta house in
             ben C. FisHer sCHolAr                                                       background on right side of photo and
                   Ben Trepel                                                            campus down at the end of the street.
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