Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2017
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Alumni News

     Bradley Davis Stock Golf Brings out the Best                                  Robert S. Larson ’83 – My company is Inno-
                                                                                   vative Senior Living. We have three properties
        On Friday, August 11, Sigma Chi brothers,   The event brought out the best of Sigma   of Assisted Living/Memory Care in the Tucson,
     friends, and family participated in the fourth  Chi, bringing brothers of all ages together for   Arizona, area.
     annual BDS Memorial Golf Outing. The event  an afternoon of brotherhood.
     is held in honor of Bradley David Stock ’13,   Please stay tuned for more information about   Willard P. Thomson ’55 – The older we get, the
     who passed away in December 2013.      how you can get involved in next year’s event!  more we cherish fond memories at 410 E. John.
        The  event  was held  at  Indian  Boundary
     Golf Course in Chicago, Illinois; 58 golfers par-
     ticipated, and 88 attended a dinner reception                                     Have Alumni News?
     following the event. Sigma Chi raised $3,700 to
     fund a scholarship in Brad’s name and to sup-                                   We want to hear from you!  Send your
     port Erika’s Lighthouse, a Chicagoland organi-                                  personal updates, accomplishments, ad-
     zation to educate teens about depression.                                       ventures, and photos to our account man-
                                                                                     ager, Kasey Breedlove, at kbreedlove@
                                                                           , or simply fill out the tear-
                                                                                     away form at the bottom of your cover let-
     Corporation President (continued from page 1)                                   ter and return it in the mail. We want to
                                                                                     share it in the next issue of The Illinois Sig!
        leAdersHiP: Our fraternity has improved   and support our great chapter house. We meet
     tremendously in  this  area  under the guidance   and communicate regularly with the Mom’s
     of Jordan Meadows. He is quite an impressive   Club. The enthusiasm and commitment is very
     individual, balancing school, fraternity life, and   impressive, and we want to say thank you! They  through and pledge/initiate. There was a recent
     the Marines! He is a legacy and has provided the   have helped us with certain house improvements:  summer rush event at Arlington Park, where many
     necessary leadership that every fraternity craves.  new basketball hoop, couches and other furniture,  of the 80+ candidates already identified attended!
        I am also impressed with the other Execu-  fans, kitchen countertops, and other upgrades!  We are ready for a new school year to begin!
     tive Committee board members of the                CoMPuter/grouP     study      MediA: We are launching our new web site
     house. The culture of leadership,                  rooM (bAseMent) And tHird  very soon! You may take a look at www.illinois-
     responsibility, respect, and                         Floor CoMMon rooM: The Tom Munger ’13 and Nick Bleidorn
     involvement would make                                 members  have responded  have led the way. Our media platform will be
     Isaac M. Jordan proud!                                  positively to the changes  improving and expanding, because this is the
        Our chapter won                                       and financial commit-  way of the future: to keep everyone connected
     the Peterson Award  at                                   ment  we  made  to im-  and networking together. This has been a goal
     the recent LTW work-                                     prove this area of the  of the board: to get all phases of media covered,
     shop! This is  the award                                 house. They love the  be it website, Facebook, Linked In … there will
     to win for any chapter!                                  group study room.    be more to follow! I am excited about connect-
        We had eight attend-                                    CHAPter  PHilAn-   ing all our Kappa Kappa Sigs!
     ees at LTW this year, a                                tHroPy: Derby Days was    PrePArAtion  For  brotHerHood: Our
     tremendous sign of respon-                            a resounding success last  new pledge program has been a great success
     sibility and commitment to                          school year, raising close to  story. Change can be challenging, but our
     our great chapter.                                $20,000 for the Huntsman Can-  members have embraced the change. Our new
        gPA: The spring 2017 GPA was an           cer Center. In the spring ’17 semester,  program is now eight weeks long with an em-
     impressive 3.22+ for the house, vaulting us to a   they hosted a fraternity hockey tournament  phasis on interactive learning and commitment
     #11 ranking! Our new GPA policy has had an   to raise money. Visit the updated webpage at  to our founding fathers’ ideals! Mark Anderson
     impact, requiring a minimum GPA to remain  laid the groundwork for our more impactful
     an active member of our fraternity.       “MotHer sHiP” – tHe House: We con-  program, which we believe will lead to more
        FinAnCiAl: I want to take my hat off — no,   tinue to “work” on the house, and we are devel-  involvement by our brothers beyond the four
     not my hair; it is already off! — to Jim Escobar   oping a formal five-year capital-expense plan.  years at college.
     ’95. He has done a great job as we continue to   There will be more to follow. It has been a cou-  Brothers, our focus is guiding these young
     improve our financial oversight and budgeting.   ple of decades since our last major investment  men to live a life-long commitment to the three
     He attended LTW recently, which shows his   in the house. Many of the fraternities have  great aims and seven virtues that identify us a
     level of his commitment to our cause!!  taken on major renovations or have built a new  Sigma Chi brothers!
        ProPerty: Jason Detweiler ’08 continues   house. Competition is tough as new apartment
     to do a yeoman’s job on the board as head of   buildings are going up and a recent property-  Your House Corp. President,
     our property management. His untiring efforts   tax increase is the new battleground. The house
     working with our property management com-  will be full this fall, with 67 brothers living in!
     pany and house manager is unbelievable.   rusH: We continue to improve and compete
        MoM’s Club: Wow, they continue to help   in this area. It is nice to see more legacies come        Peter Steger ’79

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