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Georgia Institute of Technology  |  Gamma Tau Fiji Graduates Association  |  Alumni Office  |  P.O. Box 80828  |  Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |  |  Fall 2018
        Board of Chapter                     Alumni Spotlight:   JASON S. DELL ’92

        Advisors Update

                    Brothers,                                                      Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter we’re
                      I’m excited to report on another                             shining the Spotlight on Brother Jason Dell ’92. From
                    excellent semester at Gamma                                    the hometown of Somerset, Pennsylvania, Jason
                    Tau.  The  chapter  continues  to                              has packed up his family and relocated to Adelaide,
                    be a leader for fraternity life at                             Australia for  work  and  a new  adventure. The  Dell
                    Georgia  Tech. For scholarship,                                family moving process was featured on the HGTV
                    the chapter once again achieved                                show, “House Hunters International.” Today, Jason is
                    a GPA above the school and all-                                working as Chief Product Officer at MyBudget where
                    men’s average. With 18 pledges                                 he helped enhance the technology of the company to
                    this  fall  semester,  recruitment                             better serve the finance and personal debt management
     maintains its strength and keeps Gamma  Tau one of                            of their customers.  After graduating from Georgia
     the largest chapters on campus. In athletics, the chapter                     Tech, Jason went on to earn his Master’s degree at
     has brought home multiple championships. For service                          MIT.  Jason  and  his  wife,  Lori  (Green),  have  been
     and philanthropy, the undergrads always look for new                          married for 25 years now and have three daughters:
     opportunities to give back.                                                   Ally (19), Dixie (17), and Libby (12). They attend the
      The efforts of the undergrads have also been noted                           Influencers Church–Marion Campus and are part of
     by  national  leaders.  In  September,  our  field  secretary   Lori, Ally, Jason, Dixie, and Libby at Veale Gardens   the Welcome Team, as well as host a connect group
                                                    at Ally’s high school graduation.
     spent the week interviewing undergrads and observing                          for the church.
     the chapter.  To borrow an excerpt from his report:
     “The undergraduate men were very engaged, honest,   What did  you  enjoy most as  an  active   never applied. I thought I would never get in, so I
     and open…The men are very focused on improving   chapter member?              “self-selected” out before even trying. After I did
     the chapter in any way they can and have made great   I thoroughly enjoyed  the brotherhood  and   graduate from MIT, it became apparent to me that
     changes to give them optimal efficiency. I am excited to   knowing that people were for me and not against   “self-selecting” out of  anything just because you
     follow up with the brothers in the spring semester.”   me. I came to Georgia Tech from a small town in   think you can’t, is not an acceptable answer. I never
      I’ve been lucky and honored to serve for the past two   Pennsylvania. I remember when my mother drove   let that happen again. I try to give it all I have, and
     years as one of the chapter’s graduate advisors. Along   down to  Atlanta to drop me off at school as a   if God wants to close the door, fine. But, I will not
     with John Crupie ’09 (2008-2009 chapter president),   freshman. The eight-lane highway in Atlanta blew   do it. This philosophy has led to many opportunities
     we represent the Board of Chapter  Advisors (BCA)   our minds. It was the biggest road we’d ever seen!   and open doors in my career.
     and meet with the chapter’s cabinet on a monthly basis.   Inside this concrete jungle, the fraternity helped me,
     We also hold conferences with other key graduate   adopted me, and molded me.  Additionally, there   What type of leadership style do you prefer
     organizations, such  as  the House Corporation  and   have been times decades into my career when I   to utilize?
     Graduate  Association. Since the chapter holds itself   looked back and finally really understood the impact   My style is that of “servant-leadership.” I believe
     to a high standard and continues to produce ambitious   the fraternity had on me.  the best leaders know that it takes a team to achieve
     leaders, our role typically focuses on general guidance                       great things.  And the best performance of the
     and annual leadership transitions. If you have any   After graduation from Ga. Tech, why did you   team is when the leader cares for those under their
     interest in joining the BCA, or if you have any questions   continue at MIT?  leadership.
     about what we do, feel free to reach out to either John   When Japan was crushing the USA auto
     or me!                                 manufacturing industry pre-1990, MIT created a   What inspired you to move to Australia?
      One of the chapter’s goals this year is to continue to   “leaders for manufacturing” program to help US   From a professional perspective, it was an
     engage graduates and offer opportunities for interfacing   manufacturing companies compete with the latest   Spotlight (continued on page 4)
     with the chapter. My challenge to you graduates:   philosophies. Being in the forefront, MIT also
     continue to help support the chapter in any way you can!   began a program that focused on the early stages of   Jason and family at the beach south of Adelaide.
     The undergrads have been looking forward to hosting   product development, when products are vague and
     Homecoming festivities at the house and other tailgates   unclear. This program needed technical people with
     this fall. I look forward to seeing you on campus soon!  business inclinations, so that the graduates would
                                            bridge that gap between the two. Half the curriculum
     Fraternally,                           was in the business school; the other half was in the
                                            engineering school. For me, this was a great fit, and I
                                            was thrilled to be a part of first class in the program.

     Sean Arnold ’14                        Which career achievements are you most
     Purple Legionnaire                     proud of?
                                              In high school, I always wanted to go to MIT, but
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