Page 4 - Phi Gamma Delta - Georgia Tech - Fall 2018
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Fall Break Philanthropy at FIJI
This fall, our chapter will be focusing on serving local On campus, brothers are involved with Children’s Excel, which provides community and education for
Atlanta neighborhoods and the Georgia Tech community Healthcare–For the Kids (FTK). Every year, our students with mental and developmental disabilities,
through the Arthur Blank Youth YMCA and a variety of brotherhood hosts Run for the Kids to raise funds as and countless other organizations on campus. Our
clubs, organizations, and fundraisers. Brothers are doing we run the game ball from Atlanta to Athens. Last year, brotherhood holds pride in our philanthropic endeavors
weekly visits to the Atlanta Mission to pass out food to the Gamma Tau chapter managed to raise over $14,000 as we strive to further serve our community.
the homeless, as well as daily visits to the YMCA just off for FTK, and we are planning to surpass that amount
campus to help children with homework and extracurricular this year. Additionally, there are brothers involved with
activities in a new initiative called “The whY.” Habitat for Humanity, which does monthly builds,
This semester, the Gamma Tau Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta ventured to St. Augustine for the annual fall break philanthropy event. Brothers (as seen in the group photos
above) teamed up with Habitat for Humanity to help paint two houses in the area (shown at top, right).
and friends in the USA, it had been great to engage is something unique that our family was able to share
in the Australian lifestyle and make a difference with together. After talking with the producer, it was one
those we have an opportunity to impact. of the few episodes that have the entire family in it.
My youngest, Libby, age 12, the animal lover, It really was a great experience and is amazing to see
is thrilled over the unique animals—kangaroos, all that goes into producing an hour-long show. We
koalas, echidnas, and wallabies. Also as a part of the are still friends with the film crew and get together
English Commonwealth, Australia enjoys meat pies, whenever they are in Adelaide.
pastries, and tea.
As a final bonus, the best wine regions in Australia Why do you feel it’s important to remain
are only 35-45 minutes away (Barosssa Valley and involved as an alumnus with the chapter?
McLaren Vale). Brands you may know are Penfold’s, I think it’s important to give back as much as
Left to right: Ally, Jason, Lori, koala, Libby, and Dixie Jacob’s Creek, Mollydooker, and many more. you can. It is difficult as life and business demands
at the Gorge Wildlife Refuge in Adelaide. abound. But, I also wish as a student that I had
How is it similar/different from living in been bolder in talking to the alumni. I was more
Spotlight Atlanta? intimidated than I needed to be. Quite frankly, the
(continued from page 1) Traffic is different! There’s no traffic! …At least alumni want to help you succeed, so just ask.
opportunity to contribute to a company whose in Adelaide. Sydney and Melbourne are more in line What advice can you give to the alumni
with Atlanta as far as the traffic challenges. As well,
purpose is to eliminate financial stress in the since our seasons are always the opposite from the and young actives about being willing to
community. After working in FinTech for 20 years, Northern Hemisphere, Christmas is now a summer relocate?
it is refreshing to work for a company that has a real holiday! And I can’t forget Aussie Rules Football! When I discussed the opportunity with my family,
purpose to help people with their finances. You have to watch this. Tackling, no pads, and play we asked the question of whether there would be a
From a personal perspective, it was a great does not stop. Some players can run 15kms or more better time to go in our lifetime. And the answer was
opportunity for my family to gain experience in during a game. Drinking age is 18, so I’ve had some “no.” If you wait for the ’perfect’ time, it will never
another country. And it doesn’t hurt that most people disagreements with my teenagers! Was not expecting come. Really, it’s a matter of making the most of the
in Australia live near the ocean! to have those conversations so soon! opportunities that come along in life.
How has the experience been for you and What was it like being on the HGTV show
your family? “House Hunters International”? The Gamma Tauk is an award winning national publication.
My family has loved it. Although missing family Thank you for your contributions and support to help us
The experience was great for the whole family. It continue on a winning path!
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