Page 3 - Phi Gamma Delta - Georgia Tech - Fall 2018
P. 3


                  Notes from
            Our Alumni                                  HOMECOMING 2018

                         Congratulations  to
                         Brother  Greg Robbins
                         ’68 for being awarded
                         the 2017 Coulter Cup for
                         Distinguished Service. The
                         Coulter Cup is awarded
                         to the graduate brother
                         who has contributed the
                         most to an undergraduate
                         chapter through service
        Greg Robbins ’68
                         in a capacity other than as
                         a Purple Legionnaire or
     general officer. Thank you, Greg, for all you’ve done for
     Gamma Tau! The award is well-deserved.    Our head chef, Josue Rivera, prepared a great   The pledge class got up for an early morning start to
      Greg says, “I can only say that I am honored to accept   crawfish boil at the Homecoming tailgate!  homecoming at the Freshman Cake Race and were
     on behalf of all the graduate brothers who have worked                          greeted by Georgia Tech President, Bud Peterson.
     so hard to support the Gamma Tau chapter over the years
     but were never lucky enough to receive this recognition.”

     “I’m still vertical!” says Clinton Crabtree ’49.
     Congratulations  also  go to  Denny Pryor ’51,    who
     recently welcomed a great-grandson to the family!

                                              After the Ramblin’ Wreck Parade ended, graduates   Our 2018 Mini 500 Team finished in 2nd Place.
                                             and undergraduates enjoyed good times at Landon-   Way to go guys!
                                                  Nelson Hall before the football game.

       Old Chapter Composites Wanted
      If you have your composite, we would like to  Volunteers Needed!
     have a digital scan to make available to brothers who
     have lost theirs over the years. We would like to have   We need your help! There’s a lot we want to do, but we can’t do it without more
     composites from ’59 to ’89.  We may expand this in the   people like you to lend a hand. Please join one of our committees. Thanks!
     future depending on the response.  If you have such a
     chapter composite, please contact Greg Robbins ’68 at   For BCA, contact John Crupie ’09 at: or 513-968-4651.  For HC, contact Rick Dorsey ’95 at:
                                            For Graduates Assoc., contact Marc Perla ’92 at:

           SAVE THE DATE!                    STAY CONNECTED!                        HAVE ALUMNI NEWS?

                                              Is your email up to date? Be on the lookout for     We want to hear from you!
          gamma tau pig dinner &            The Gamma Tauk Brief for updates and the latest
          couser golf tournament             happenings. The Brief is a monthly e-newsletter
                                               provided by The Graduates Association. Visit   Send your personal updates,
            SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2019         us online at: to verify your   accomplishments, adventures,
                                              contact info. Find us on Facebook by searching   and photos to our Account Manager,
        We are excited to announce that John   Georgia Tech FIJI and Gamma Tau FIJI Grads. Join   Kasey Breedlove, at:
       Hayes ‘70 will be our key note speaker.    our LinkedIn Group (Gamma Tau Professional   or simply fill out the back of the enclosed gift form
       Please join us in 2019 for a great day of   Networking Group) to share business insights   and return it in the mail. We want to share your
           fun and reconnecting with your     and job opportunities with fellow Gamma Tau   stories in the next issue of The Gamma Tauk!
            fellow Gamma Tau brothers.             graduates and undergraduates.

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