Page 2 - Phi Gamma Delta - Georgia Tech - Fall 2018
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                                  From the
                     Chapter President

                        Brothers,           involved at the executive level for a wide
                          The   undergraduate  variety of organizations. Some of these
                        brothers spent the summer   clubs include the Undergraduate Judiciary
                        representing the Gamma   Council, Interfraternity Council, and the
                        Tau Chapter of Phi   Student Government Association.
                        Gamma Delta both locally   Each and every day, Gamma Tau is a
                        and internationally. Many   representation of why Greek life works and
                        of us took on internships   why Greek life should continue to grow
                        spanning from JP Morgan   at Georgia  Tech.  We build courageous
                        in  Atlanta, to Boeing in   leaders, foster relationships, and impact
                        Seattle. Others traveled   our campus and community in a positive
     throughout the United Kingdom, France, Budapest,   way.  As some universities and chapters
     China, Singapore, and beyond to explore and broaden   struggle with spreading the positive power
     their education. While others were traveling the world,   of Greek life, there is not a doubt to be had
     a group of brothers even had the chance to travel to   that Gamma Tau upholds the good name
     Ekklesia to represent the Gamma Tau chapter, where   of Phi Gamma Delta and sets an example
     they received top-three finishes and honorable mentions   for all chapters to follow.
     for seven different awards.              Whether you have shared a role in
       With the addition of five new brothers last spring,   building the values of the Gamma  Tau
     the undergraduate chapter is now 92 brothers strong.   Chapter, invest financially, mentor brothers,
     Furthermore, with the help of our recruitment chairs,   advise leaders, or represent Phi Gamma
     Ian Campbell and Corey Whitlock, we had an extremely   Delta with excellence,  the undergraduate
     successful fall recruiting season and have welcomed 18   chapter thanks you.
     new pledges.
       As our strength in brotherhood blooms, Georgia   Fraternally yours,
     Tech reaps the benefits. Gamma Tau produces leaders   Noah Perry            Top: New brothers pose after the rose ceremony.
                                                                                      Bottom: All 18 of the fall pledges.
     and brothers, and this semester in particular we are   Chapter President

      Chapter Spotlight:   BARRETT KULIK ’20

                                            Editor’s Note:  Representing the chapter as Spotlight is Barrett Kulik.  Our house and grounds chair, he is very
                                            involved within the fraternity. From the hometown of Marietta, Georgia, Barrett is a third-year student and is on
                                            track to graduate in 2020 with a degree in business and a concentration in finance. On campus, he is involved
                                            as a Scheller Business Ambassador, director of programming for the TEDxGeorgiaTech club, participant in the
                                            Investments Committee as senior analyst, and is a member of the IFC Judicial Board. In preparation for graduation,
                                            Barrett interned for eight months with Coca-Cola.  For fun, he enjoys golf, reading, basketball, and investing.

                                            How did your internship at Coca-Cola   On  campus,  what  type  of  leadership  skills
                                            enhance your skills in business?       are you developing through various clubs?
                                              Even though my role at Coca-Cola wasn’t finance   I  think  I’m learning  how to  lead in  a variety  of
                                            or what I want to do for my                            ways. Each role I have—
                                            career, it still taught me to                          from house and grounds,
                                            have an analytical mindset                             to Investments Committee,
                                            in the business world. I had                           to  TEDxGeorgiaTech,  and
                                            to learn how to synthesize                             others—requires a different
                                            reports and spot trends                                mindset, and not everyone is
                                            or patterns within large                               motivated in the same way.
                                            amounts of data, which                                 I’m learning how and when
                                            are great skills to have                               to use certain leadership styles
                                            regardless of the industry I                           over others.
     What led you to join the chapter?      go into.
       I rushed at several fraternities, but really loved                                          Outside of school, what
     how genuine everyone seemed at Fiji. It felt like   How would you like to                     do you do for fun?
     they were giving me their honest opinions and not   apply your degree after   Barrett attended the Open Championship   I love to read about
     feeding me things they thought I wanted to hear   graduation?    during a summer study abroad trip. He   philosophy, religion, business
     during the rush process. I also loved that everybody   My goals are to go into   attended the second and third rounds,   or leadership, golf, basketball,
     seemed to get along—it didn’t feel like there were   investment  banking  or  watching players like Tiger Woods,    volunteer at the local YMCA,
     cliques within Fiji.                   private equity.            Jordan Spieth, and  Rory McIlroy.  or go and explore Atlanta.

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