Page 5 - Annual Report 2022
P. 5


               FOREST PRESERVES OF                                                                                Highlights

               Election day, November 8, 2022,   restore wildlife habitat over the next
               was a landmark day for wildlife,   20 years and to purchase additional
               the Forest Preserves of Cook     open land for wildlife habitat and
               County, and the current and future   recreational use. The money will also
               residents of Northern Illinois. About   fund the Forest Preserve’s pension
               70 percent of Cook County voters   system and address deferred main-
               approved a referendum that will   tenance. A portion of the new funds
               raise residents’ property taxes to   will help revitalize Brookfield Zoo’s
               increase funding for the Forest   historic buildings and grounds.
               Preserves of Cook County.           The referendum was supported
                  The tax increase is modest—   by a broad coalition of more than
               only about $20 a year for the    170 groups, including environ-
               majority of property owners—     mental, labor, civic, business, and
               however, its impact will be huge.   faith-based organizations across
               The Forest Preserves of Cook County  Cook County. They included
               is one of the largest forest preserves   The Civic Federation, Sierra Club,
               in the nation and owns nearly    Openlands, League of Women
               70,000 acres, more than 10 percent   Voters of Cook County, The Nature
               of Cook County land, including the   Conservancy, The Trust for Public
               land and buildings occupied by   Lands, Audubon Great Lakes, REI,
               Brookfield Zoo and the Chicago   Friends of the Forest Preserves, and
               Botanic Garden.                  the Illinois Environmental Council,
                  By approving the Clean Air,   to name a few.
               Clean Water, and Wildlife Habitat   The Chicago Zoological Society
               Protection referendum, voters made   extends a heartfelt “thank you” to
               a wise investment in cleaner water   these organizations, Cook County
               sources, reduced flooding, cleaner   voters, members and friends of
               air, less pollution, and the creation   Brookfield Zoo, and to everyone
               of thousands of jobs.            who played a role in passing this
                  The Forest Preserves will use   historic measure.
               much of the funds to protect and

                                                                                                                           Grevy’ s Zebra

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