Page 6 - Annual Report 2022
P. 6


               When Tropic World opened at
               Brookfield Zoo in the 1980’s, it was
               a revolutionary space and the largest
               indoor mixed-species exhibit in the
               world. Visitors are immersed in the
               tropical rain forests of South America,
               Asia, and Africa. Over the next
               40 years, Tropic World inspired tens
               of millions of visitors to care about
               rain forest conservation.
                  Although it continues to be a
               state-of the-art facility, we’ve learned
               more about primate behavior and
               animal health over the years and our
               expectations have evolved. In 2022,
               we began the planning and design   Construction model of one of four outdoor primate habitats
               phases for Tropical Forests, an expan-
               sion of our current Tropic World    The establishment of a bachelor   New generations of visitors
               habitat and our most ambitious and   group will allow the younger males   will be able to witness these
               innovative project in decades.   to interact and learn important    majestic, charismatic primates up
                  Primate behavior, health, and   skills from the more experienced   close and watch them experience
               animal welfare were all taken into   silverbacks. Outdoor areas will    running water features, climbing
               consideration during planning.   also be created for our orangutans    structures, vines, natural grass under
               We also ensured that Zoo guests   and several species of South Amer-  their feet, and sunlight shining on
               will be able to view the animals   ican monkeys.                  their faces. Visitors will be able to
               from unique vantage points.         A Gorilla Conservation Center   stand face-to-face with a western
                  The project, designed by      will contain state-of-the-art learning   lowland gorilla, separated from the
               Goettsch Partners, Inc., and PJA,    spaces for the public, as well as    animal by a two-story glass window.
               will provide new and reimagined   a dedicated home for the Chicago
               habitats for our gorillas, orangutans,   Zoological Society’s King Conserva-  These world-class animal experiences and conservation
               and monkeys. When completed      tion Leadership Academy. The King   center will build guests’ empathy for the animals and
               in 2025, it will feature indoor and   Academy includes a program    inspire them to become better stewards of our planet.
               outdoor habitats for two gorilla   for high school students that
               troops—a family unit and a bachelor  involves them in science program-
               group consisting of adult and    ming with an emphasis on career
               adolescent males.                and college readiness.

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