Page 9 - Annual Report 2022
P. 9


               Several years ago, the Chicago Zoolog-   Our Master Plan design team
               ical Society embarked on the multi-year   was chosen in late 2022, following
               process to develop a bold, new        a competitive selection process.
               Master Plan—a long-term planning      We are delighted to be working
               document that guides an organization’s   with an incredible team that includes
               future growth. Our Master Plan will    Booth Hansen, a nationally recognized
               take us past Brookfield Zoo’s Centennial    architecture and planning firm head-
               Celebration in 2034.                  quartered in Chicago, and Jones & Jones,
                                                     a Seattle-based architecture, landscape
                                                     architecture, and planning firm with
                                                     extensive experience in designing zoo
                                                     habitats and master plans.              MASTER        GOAL 1 –  Secure Brookfield Zoo as a leading
                                                        To get a feel for the Zoo campus,                          zoological institution
                                                     the design team has been touring           PLAN       GOAL 2 –  Transform the Zoo by providing a
                                                     the grounds, buildings, and exhibits,     GOALS               new paradigm of visitor experiences
                                                     observing animals, and absorbing                              and animal habitats
                                                     large amounts of information.
                                                        The planning process for the new                   GOAL 3 –  Increase the meaningful impact of the
                                                     Master Plan was officially kicked off in                      Zoo experience with implementation
                                                     January 2023. The design team held                            of new projects at multiple scales
                                                     visioning sessions with the Zoo’s                     GOAL 4 –  Do things in a way no other zoo has
                                                     Executive Team and the Master Planning                        done yet
                                                     Committee of CZS’s Board of Trustees.
               Dr. Michael J. Adkesson, president and CEO of the Chicago   In the months to come, we look    GOAL 5 –  Create a more cohesive experience
               Zoological Society, leads a Master Plan visioning session.
                                                     forward to doing a lot of hard work
                  The process began with a land      planning, dreaming, and designing
               survey and facility condition assessment    what this incredible Zoo will become
               of 170 structures so we can understand    in the decades ahead!
               the status of our buildings and grounds.
               The land survey by the American Land
               Title Association determined that the
               footprint of the Zoo is 235 acres—19 acres
               more than we had previously thought!

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