Page 10 - Impact Report_2019 PDF
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167,885 lbs. 3.2M
40,150 lbs. 261,606 lbs. 173,970 lbs.
Brookfield Zoo researchers study African white-bellied tree pangolins— Snider received. The tortoises are native
a heavily poached species—to help increase their population in the wild. to Nigeria, Cameroon, and other parts
of Africa. “Our vets spent an inordinate
rings and wildlife breeding operations to claim the sales are legal when they are amount of time getting them healthy; they
impoverished people who derive income not. American turtles and tortoises are were in quarantine for six months.” Caring
from poaching and consumers who buy also being poached and illegally smuggled for and housing these animals is costly.
animals and products made from them. overseas. In a 2018 case, a Philadelphia
man was indicted for poaching 3,500 Fortunately, the Bourret’s box turtle
Brookfield Zoo has played an protected diamondback terrapins from recovered under the care of CZS staff
important role in the rescue, rehabilitation, coastal marshes in New Jersey. including Snider. He consulted with other
and conservation of confiscated animals— turtle experts and institutions already
including many endangered species. Trafficked live animals are either working with this species. The decision
wild-caught or bred and raised at wildlife was made to send the animal to the Saint
The confiscated turtle Snider received breeding operations—either way, they Louis Zoo, which has the best track
was a critically endangered Bourret’s box are often poorly cared for and in bad record of breeding this species. Including
turtle. The population of this species condition when confiscated, said Snider. this female, there are only 14 of them in
has dropped by 90 percent in the past Many animals don’t survive due to how zoo-managed care in the United States.
50 years. The turtles are prized for they were packed and shipped, how long
their meat, body parts used in untested they were in transit, and how much time Last year, the Convention on Inter-
traditional medicines, and pretty shells. passed after their capture. Also, some national Trade in Endangered Species of
“The market for exotic pets is huge,” said species are easily stressed, such as the four Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which
Snider. Wild animals are advertised for confiscated Home’s hinge-back tortoises regulates the international wildlife trade,
sale as pets, often online, by sellers who banned commercial trade in five species
of turtles, including the Bourret’s box
turtle. Also, in response to the COVID-
19 pandemic linked to a wildlife market
there, China banned the consumption
of land-dwelling wild animals. (Unfor-
tunately, the trade in wild animals for
other uses remains legal in China.)
CZS has worked to end illegal wildlife
trafficking by educating the public and
supporting legislation that shuts down
markets, including a bill that would outlaw
the sale of pangolin scales in Illinois. We
also support the anti-poaching initiatives
of our conservation partners around the
world. As a Brookfield Zoo member,
you help make this work possible.