Page 5 - Impact Report_2019 PDF
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a wide array of topics through the online We helped with research on parakeets, Last February, I spoke on science commu-
classes. Some of the classes I took included did sea grass collection, and looked at the nication as a presenter at the Wild Things
Conservation Science & Community, biodiversity of corals. Conference at Rosemont. There were over
Biology in the Age of Technology, and 100 people in the audience and it was one
Professional Media Workshop. What was your master plan? of the most nerve-wracking things I’ve
ever done.
Who was in your cohort? The master plan is the central theme
throughout your studies. I focused on I talked about how conservation issues
It was an eclectic mix. There were a lot science communication, which I am are often framed with negative messaging
of teachers, zoo professionals, and people passionate about. I was able to dive deep that makes audiences feel apathetic, over-
who worked at nonprofits, like the Nature into the research I found interesting and whelmed, and depressed. But science com-
Conservancy, Garfield Park Conservatory, I applied what I learned to my work in munication research shows that optimism
and museums. There were quite a few the outreach department. For example, and hope are very powerful. I felt I was
people in my cohort who were originally there’s a common belief in science commu- helping people find ways to reframe con-
insurance brokers or in unrelated fields. nication that if we yell a lot about facts servation topics, break down apathy, and
They found a way to pivot into something and figures, people will start to care. inspire conservation action.
they were really passionate about. But there’s a lot of research showing that
that’s not an effective way of communicat- Applications for the Brookfield Zoo
Describe your study ing—communication has to be a two-way Summer 2021 Cohort will be due in
abroad experience. street. I found out about different framing February 2021. For more information visit
strategies that formal and informal science or contact Agnes Kovacs,
I went to Belize for 10 days last sum- educators can use with conservation topics. senior manager of Graduate Programs
mer, which was an exhilarating experience. and Partnerships, at (708) 688-8223 or
Belize is a mix of ecosystems—coastal What about the program was █
rain forest and coral reef. The Belize Zoo the most challenging for you?
is a partner organization and it was incred-
ibly helpful to get information from their I liked the leadership challenge class
staff, like how they run their zoo and how because it pushes you to reach out for
they do outreach. opportunities beyond your comfort zone.
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