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renderings were created by Goettsch
and PJA Architects + Landscape Architects (now part of Stantec).
Opening Soon!
Under construction since March 2023, the Zoo’s Tropical Forests,
which includes one of the largest outdoor habitats for primates
at any accredited U.S. zoo, will open to the public this summer.
Here’s a peek into one of the most ambitious and
consequential projects in recent Zoo history.
You’ve probably noticed the construction of a gleaming programmatic offerings from the Zoo’s Education and
new building adjacent to Tropic World and a fenced-off area Community Engagement (ECE) department.
the size of two football fields north of it. Tropical Forests, Tropic World, which opened in 1984 as the largest indoor
a $66 million expansion of Tropic World, will provide new zoo exhibit in the world, will continue to captivate guests
and enriching habitats for gorillas, orangutans, and South with the wonders of the rain forest ecosystems of Africa, Asia,
American monkeys. and South America and inspire actions to conserve these
The project’s completion this summer will conclude the ecosystems and wildlife. Tropical Forests promises to also
first phase of our transformative Next Century Plan, which inspire actions to protect our world’s rain forest dwellers
will guide the long-term trajectory of the Zoo through our and offers expanded and naturalistic habitats for the animals
centennial year 2034, with continued improvements extending in the Zoo’s care.
over the next 30 years. To create Tropical Forests, experts drew from the latest
The new building includes the Gorilla Conservation Center scientific research findings to design habitats that foster
with indoor gorilla habitats that provide guests with intimate the wellness, social needs, and natural behaviors of these
and up-close views of a gorilla group. Above the Gorilla highly intelligent and charismatic animals.
Conservation Center, on the second floor of the building “As we designed this project, what’s best for the well-being
addition, are state-of-the-art learning spaces for the Zoo‘s of our animals was our guiding light,” said Dr. Michael
impactful educational programs aimed at fostering a deeper Adkesson, president & CEO of Brookfield Zoo Chicago.
understanding of wildlife conservation and environmental “We want to provide the absolute best care in a state-of-the-art
stewardship. facility. And right behind that was a desire to provide an
The new space supports the continued growth of the Zoo’s experience unlike anything our guests have had before.
innovative and award-winning King Conservation Leadership And hopefully they will walk out of the Zoo caring about
Academy (KCLA), a suite of out-of-school, S.T.E.A.M. the animals and wanting to do their part to make sure they’re
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) learning around for generations to come.”
opportunities for children and families. KCLA is the largest, On the next pages, you’ll learn why visiting Tropical Forests
free program of its kind at any one zoo, and part of the will be an exciting and unforgettable educational experience.
Stay tuned for more exciting news in the months ahead!
Left: The naturalistic landscapes of Tropical Forests’ outdoor habitats were
carefully designed by experts to foster the wellness, social needs, and social Architectural renderings were created by Goettsch Partners
behaviors of the animals. and PJA Architects + Landscape Architects (now part of Stantec).