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The Inception of
Tropical Forests
Brookfield Zoo Chicago proudly leads animal welfare initiatives Adolescent male gorillas typically leave the family group
amongst accredited facilities, conducting new studies and setting and often join up with other males and form a bachelor group,
welfare standards for animals in professional care. With science said Skelton. By creating a bachelor group, Brookfield Zoo
as a guide, the Zoo’s skilled welfare scientists identified an Chicago provides adolescent male gorillas with an environment
opportunity to advance the best possible care for primates where they can form strong, healthy friendships with other males
at the Zoo by creating new outdoors spaces. with minimal competition and conflict. “We want them to be
“Getting them outside is something we felt very strongly socialized and have opportunities to interact with other gorillas
about as an organization,” said Adkesson. “Natural sunlight when family groups are not available.”
is one of the body’s best ways of making vitamin D and With the creation of Tropical Forests, we can also accommodate
is fantastic for their welfare, well-being, and health.” an aging population of gorillas, said Dr. Tom Meehan, vice
The 125,000 square feet of outdoor space, plus extended president emeritus of Veterinary Services at the Zoo, who has
vertical space, will support the animals’ physical health and served as a veterinary advisor to the AZA Western Lowland
provide them with mental stimulation. “There are a lot of Gorilla Species Survival Plan® (SSP) since 1993. In the wild,
climbing opportunities and foliage, artificial strangler fig plants, gorillas live between 30 and 40 years. “When Tropic World
and substrates they’ll be able to interact with,” said Kim Skelton, opened, any animal that lived into its 40s was old,” said Meehan.
director of Primates at Brookfield Zoo Chicago. Animals can “With advances in husbandry and medical expertise, the
exercise their natural behaviors, such as foraging, locomotion, population of gorillas in professional care is living to a much
nest building, tool use, and object manipulation. older age, some into their 60s.” Tropical Forests includes intentional
With the expanded space, we can welcome a bachelor group accommodations for geriatric animals, such as soft ground
to the Zoo, which is a normal occurrence in nature, she said. cover and ground-level transfer chutes for animals that have
A social species, gorillas typically live in a family group climbing difficulties.
consisting of one dominant, breeding male silverback,
multiple females, and the females’ offspring.
Above: Guests will have breathtaking views of animals in their outdoor habitats
from many vantage points.