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Tropical Forests to Open continued

                          Above: The indoor dayroom inside the Gorilla Conservation Center features
                          natural-looking structures and substrates that give gorillas opportunities
                          to climb, play, and interact with one another and with guests.

                                             husbandry and medicine over the past    “As much as possible, we want the lives
        Habitat Features                     30 years. He was also an AZA inspector    of animals in Tropical Forests to replicate
        Many Zoo staff members were involved    and team leader in more than 50 inspections  the lives they would have in the wild,”
        in the planning and design of Tropical   of facilities around the world. “He is familiar  said Adkesson. “They would spend time
        Forests habitats, said Adkesson. They   with most every gorilla habitat in the coun-  throughout the day being active and
        included members of the animal care staff   try, so he knows about design considerations   foraging for food.” To encourage foraging,
        who care for the animals, veterinary teams,   and what has worked and hasn’t worked.   enrichment devices will be placed
        conservation and animal welfare scientists,   He’s been able to cherry-pick the best    throughout the habitat. The devices
        the Zoo’s facilities team, as well as the   of the best.”                 dispense food and other items randomly
        education and graphic design teams.     The dynamic environments will include   throughout the day, which stimulates
           “Dr. Meehan’s expertise and his rich   running-water features, climbing structures,   animals’ physical and mental activity.
        history of involvement with gorillas has   grasses, vines, and live trees and shrubs,    “All of the spaces are custom designed
        been instrumental in helping us design    giving animals a plethora of choices in    for the species they’re made for,” said
        a state-of-the-art facility,” said Adkesson.    how they use their habitat. Earth and grass    Adkesson. “The gorillas spend most of
        As an AZA veterinary advisor, Meehan    will carpet the outdoor habitats and large   their time on the ground. Their habitats
        has interacted with the North American   artificial trees will provide the animals    are designed to provide engaging interactive
        Gorilla SSP® management group, and re-  with structures to climb and to build    elements down low.”
        ceived updates on developments in gorilla   nests in for rest and sleep.

        22        G A T E W A YS  |   TR OPICAL  FOREST S  T O   OPEN
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