P. 12

“Door” is also used in reference to visions
After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.
Revelation 4:1
We have learned so far how an “Open Door” or a “Closed Door” can be used in daily life and spiritual mat- ters.
Now we are ready to look at the effects of closed doors for our lives.
When Satan slams a door shut in our face, it always causes frustrating and sorrowful consequences. A closed door deprives, imprisons, impoverishes and sometimes cripples its victims. When a door is closed to us that should be opened, it creates all kinds of problems and unexpected hardships. A closed door can cause great psy- chological, emotional, or spiritual trauma. When doors are shut before us, it is hard to move ahead and fulfill the vision of our life or church. It is impossible to go through a door if that door remains closed to us.
Closed doors cause the goal or dream we have been given by God to be delayed or even stopped. If doors re- main closed to us, we may never complete the vision God has for our lives. We may never fully walk into God’s plan for our lives, all because certain doors have been closed to us.
If doors remain closed to us, even though we have a task we believe God desires for us to do, our progress will be greatly hindered or even stopped.

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