P. 13

We can be equipped and empowered to carry out a specific ministry, or do a specific thing in life, but if doors remain shut to us; we will be unable to proceed. When we face closed doors, our anointing and talents will be wasted because we are unable to use them.
It is like having a nice automobile parked in our ga- rage, however, it’s just sitting there because we can’t get the garage door to open. Would the automobile take us anywhere? Would it do us any good? Of course not.
The good news is many closed doors will open to us, if we understand how to open them and then do what is necessary to make this happen.
We have talked about “Doors,” and how they can be opened or closed. Are you aware that “heavens” can also be opened or closed?
The Bible uses the term, “Heaven,” just as it does “doors.” It doesn’t always mean the abode of God or the home of the saints. Sometimes it speaks of the skies, and other times it speaks of the blessings or storehouse of the Lord.
We need to understand how “open heavens” or “closed heavens” can affect us in our ministry, home, or business.
“Doors” and “Heavens” are related, in that they both are an entrance or opening to something. It is import- ant for us to understand what it means to have “heaven” opened up to us or closed against us.
To experience “open heavens,” we must first under- stand what a “closed heavens” means.
When Heavens are closed, it produces major adverse effects.
And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as

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