P. 23

under open heavens.
Jacob saw the gate of Heaven.
And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.
Genesis 28:17
In Jacob’s dream, God appeared to him, reassuring him of His promise to his forefathers. God spoke to him, enlarged his coast and promised him divine protection. It was Open heavens that revealed the knowledge of all these to him.
Open heavens break the hold of ignorance in our lives. Jacob said, in verse 16 of the same verse, “and I was not aware of it.” This visitation changed Jacob in a major way.
No man who experiences God in his life can remain ignorant.
As we have learned so far, “Doors” refer to literal and spiritual opportunities. “Heavens” refer to access to bless- ings, tangible or spiritual. There is often a link between the two. As we are blessed spiritually, it always activates natural blessings.
Before we close this chapter, let’s take a look at the comparisons of “Open Heavens” and “Open Doors.”
I believe Open Heavens prepare the way for Open Doors. I believe when Heaven’s doors are open, the open- ing of earthly doors is set in motion.
If the Heavens are open and there is a Closed Door, it may be because God allowed the closed door for a purpose. Sometimes we are reaping the blessings of heaven, and
we expect certain doors to open, but God does not want these doors to open. In fact, sometimes blessings come,

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