P. 24

and doors shut. We should understand that God either allowed the door to close, or He closed it Himself.
If the heavens are closed, then it is likely that earthly doors will also remain closed. It takes God to move on our behalf to open closed doors. If God withholds bless- ings from Heaven in our lives I believe many doors on earth will also remain closed to us.
Closed Doors are just like trials in life, we can’t escape them.
Perhaps someone reading these lines now is carrying the pain of a different kind of door that has closed on you. If so, I pray that the lines of this book will open new understanding and new doors to you.
I believe there are those of you have had a door close on you through no fault of your own. Perhaps you have worked on a job for a long time only to come to work and be told the company is phasing out your job and you will no longer be needed there.
Or, has your spouse mentioned that he or she is leav- ing you and they won’t be back as they have found some- one else. Are you now waiting for the letter from your spouse’s lawyer?
Someone reading these lines may have experienced a phone call and a voice on the other end tells you a close loved one has just died in a tragic accident or from a ter- minal illness.
All of us have no doubt experienced a major door slamming shut in our face at one time or another.
If this is you, even though you may even now still be experiencing the pain, I want to encourage you to look up, for I believe even now, God is preparing an open door... just for you!

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