Page 137 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 137

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            5.5.11  Foreign Investment

            To avoid foreign investment jeopardising South     will restrict and redirect foreign investment to
            African stakeholders and people involved in the    support industries, instead of direct cultivation
            current Cannabis economy, two elements are         and retail industries. The most needed areas,
            critical.                                          where foreign investment would be allowed
                                                               during the moratorium, are:
            Firstly, all companies involved in Cannabis-
            related activities must be at least 51% owned      •  Testing and product analysis;
            by national capital.                               •  Education and training;
                                                               •  Machinery and infrastructure;
            Secondly, during the first five years of
            implementation of the reforms, a moratorium        •  Tech support and IT development.

            5.5.12  Import & Export

            The economic potential of the Cannabis export      order to foster a spirit of reconciliation between
            market is significant, but given the current       communities who have been vilified by their
            discrepancies in legalisation models across the    governments for so long. This will also go some
            world, trade agreements with countries that        way towards curtailing the potential for large
            have legalised or partially legalised Cannabis will   corporations to have a monopoly in the export
            have to be carefully thought out and tailored      market. If WPP Cannabis exports for adult use
            to each specific agreement. In an ideal world, it   were to happen, they would transit through
            would be significant if community development      the Hubs, monitored by the OmBUDsman. This
            projects with compatible countries could partner   provision would need to be carefully debated in
            with similar projects in South Africa to foster    the setting up of Hubs and in consultation with
            knowledge exchange and mutual economic             the relevant experts, in order to combat anti-
            benefit. These types of export agreements          competitive behaviour.
            could be subject to preferential treatment in

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  93
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