Page 136 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 136
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws
5.5.10 Foreigners & Tourism
Foreigners, travellers, visitors and tourists must Yet uncontrolled or unregulated Cannabis-
be granted the same rights to possess and use related tourism could be a source of added
Cannabis (or not) during their stay in South trouble for local populations (social dislocation,
Africa. Foreigners with permanent residence loss of cultural heritage, ecological impact) ,
in South Africa must enjoy the same rights as in particular when clear policy regulations are
South Africans. missing.
However, it would be preferable that tourists be Guidelines for the development of a Cannabis
limited to be supplied by commercial retailers Tourism Industry in South Africa should be
(standard or Kasinomics). The Dagga Private Club carefully considered in consultation with
system should only supply people with residence the Minister of Tourism, private companies
in South Africa: tourists could however be (particularly those that operate within
allowed to access DPC facilities, though without the tourism development field), and local
being part of the DPC supply system. Foreigners communities. Any efforts at promoting Cannabis
and tourists that use Cannabis for medical tourism should be centred around sustainability
purposes must have access to all health and and environmental awareness and be focused
medical services required to avoid interruption on supporting rural vulnerable and/or legacy
of treatment. Cannabis populations. Tourism is a growing,
progressive sector in these areas and there
Cannabis has a long historical relationship with are many examples to reference, in particular
travels, travellers, and tourism . Travels motivated sustainable tourism indicators . These were
by personal, cultural or therapeutic interest in made to prevent local communities from
Cannabis have survived prohibition. becoming a potential target for mass tourism
Tourism is “one of the world’s fastest-growing and its negative consequences over livelihood
industries and [...] provides many jobs which and traditions.
have helped revitalise local economies.” Under Internationally recognised products (that could
the impulsion of ongoing Cannabis policy be labelled with intellectual-property indications
reforms worldwide, Cannabis-related tourism of source, such as GIs) could help promote
is currently blooming in many countries and sustainable tourism, increase job creation,
the importance of Cannabis in the choice boost community ownership, and promote
of a destination for travel is an element that local cultures, knowledge, and products. The
should not be overlooked (see Morocco , India , potential for combining agro-tourism, eco-
Jamaica , Nepal , Barcelona , the Netherlands , tourism, and therapeutic or health tourism
the US states of California , Washington and would likely abound in South Africa with both
Colorado , etc.). “Cannabis magnifies the a community-IP protection system, and a
development of tourism, particularly in regions programme for the preservation of natural
where its use or cultivation are traditional.” resources in place.
92 CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform