Page 144 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 144

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            6.3  Prevention, Education & Harm Reduction

            “Instead of endorsing responsible education programmes, policymakers continue to appeal to tired fallacies
            that have long lost their influence on our young people. Any young person with a bit of curiosity will find evidence
            (both through personal experience and through access to information) to discredit the intellectually hollow
            “Say No” campaign. I suggest that we need to replace this failed approach with honest information giving and
            open discussion that respects the complex choices facing young people.”
            - Andre Croucamp “The Anatomy of Prohibition” 4

            We are firm in our opinion that the current        The Canadian toolkit lists 10 elements that should
            system of “drug education”, particularly in        guide Cannabis education and harm-reduction
            schools, is sorely lacking in substance and often   interventions:
            blatantly wrong. For example, South African
            learners are taught that Cannabis is a “gateway
            drug”, despite this having been disproved many          10 ELEMENTS FOR EDUCATION
            times over. In consultation with experts in this
            field, the current curriculums for drug education     •  “Education grounded in evidence-based
            in schools, tertiary education institutions,             information;
            community organisations and the workplace             •  Non-judgmental, open dialogue that
            will have to be revised and updated for the              uses interactive approaches;
            21st century. Cannabis education must not be
            the sole responsibility of schools. Rather, the       •  Meaningful inclusion;
            responsibility for education should shift to the      •  Delivery by a trained facilitator or peer;
            Office of the Cannabis OmBUDsman in order             •  Starting education earlier, with age-
            that evidence-based education can be carried             appropriate content;
            out across all sectors of society.                    •  Supporting open parent-child
            In Canada, a series of projects have taken place         communication;
            to update Cannabis use-related prevention,            •  Inclusion of harm reduction;
            education and harm reduction. In 2018, a              •  Education tailored to the specific
            “Sensible” Cannabis education and harm                   context;
            reduction toolkit for the youth was published,        •  Ongoing education available to youth;
            based on the idea that “the central purposes
            of drug education are to provide accurate             •  Attention to overlapping issues of racism,
                                                                     social justice, and stigma.”
            information and awareness of resources, develop
            decision-making skills and health literacy, reduce
            risks of consumption, and support increasing an
            individual’s risk competency.”  This embeds into
            the internationally recognised need to harmonise   In the same direction, the Centre on Drug Policy
            dependence-related prevention (particularly in     Evaluation  released an inspirational guide titled
            educational settings), as best results are met     “Using Evidence to Talk about Cannabis” , which
            when all psychoactive products are addressed       provides for a thorough and recent take on all
            together: tobacco, alcohol, Cannabis and other     concerns related to dangers that might be linked
            drugs .                                            to Cannabis consumption.

           100       CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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