Page 148 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 148

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            Because Cannabis law reform in South Africa       the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the central
            cannot happen in a vacuum, there is a need        legislative organ of the international community
            to look into drug policies in other countries.    on Cannabis-related policies. As active members
            Fields of Green for ALL has been involved on the   of the Vienna NGO Committee (VNGOC) and
            international stage at several levels to get an   New York NGO Committee on Drugs (NYNGOC)
            international perspective on the subject, as well   – official organs for participation and provision
            as having been invited to speak at various South   of inputs to the United Nations drug-control
            African Cannabis conferences.                     programme – we have contributed on several
                                                              occasions to the ongoing debate on Cannabis,
            We attended the United Nations General            drug policies and the IDCC at the United Nations,
            Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS         providing our vision and updates from South
            2016) in New York in 2016 and several sessions of   Africa.

              2016                                            2019
              •  Global Forum of Producers of Prohibited Plants    •  Speakers at Hempfest , Seattle, Washington,
                (Heemskerk, The Netherlands).                   USA, and a series of meetings with North-
              •  United Nations General Assembly Special Session   American Cannabis stakeholders (farmers,
                on Drugs (UNGASS2016) (New York, USA) .         breeders, NGOs, researchers, entrepreneurs,
              •  SA Drug Policy Week  (RUN2016), Cape Town:     etc.).
                Cannabis debate side event. A conference that   •  Beginnings of engagements with activists from
                attracts high-profile drug policy experts from   neighbouring countries, Namibia, Lesotho,
                around the world. This annual conference is     Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia.
                gaining momentum and has put the efforts of   •  Speakers at the SA Cannabis Expo, Cape Town,
                local activists firmly on the international map.  South Africa .
              2017                                            •  Speakers at the SA Cannabis Expo,
              •  Presentation of a paper  at the Harm Reduction   Johannesburg, South Africa .
                International (HRI17) conference, Montreal,   •  Speakers at the Okhahlamba Agriculture and
                Canada: “Cannabis is the Gateway to more        Land Summit, Bergville, South Africa .
                Evidence-based Drug Policy in South Africa”,   •  Presentation at the Agrihub and Chamber of
                centred around our #JoinTheQ project , which    Commerce, Piet Retief, South Africa .
                helps citizens arrested on Cannabis-related   •  Speakers, Cannatech Convention , Cape Town,
                charges.                                        South Africa.
              •  Hosts  of the Clinical Cannabis Convention ,   •  Speakers, Vukani East London Cannabis
                Johannesburg. Presented by Fields of Green      Conference , East London, South Africa.
                for ALL and held during The Trial of the Plant in   •  Speakers, The Durban Cannabis Expo , Durban,
                August 2017. We saw our local and international   South Africa.
                speakers connect the dots between Cannabis    •  Speakers, Gordon Institute of Business
                science and drug-policy reform .                Science (GIBS), Cannabis: Great new Business
              2018                                              Opportunity or Hype? , Johannesburg, South
              •  Civil Society delegates , Commission on Narcotic   Africa.
                Drugs  (CND61), Vienna, Austria.              2020
              •  Keynote Speakers , Cannabis Liberation Day ,   •  Civil Society delegates, Commission on Narcotic
                Amsterdam, The Netherlands.                     Drugs (CND63), Vienna, Austria .
              •  Speakers, Beyond Psychedelics conference ,   •  Speakers. 3rd Annual European Workshop on
                Prague, Czech Republic.                         Advancing the Field of Cannabis/Hemp through
              •  Series of meetings with European Cannabis      Standardization. Marleen Theunissen (Dagga
                stakeholders (farmers, breeders, NGOs,          Private Clubs) .
                researchers, entrepreneurs, etc.).            •  Speakers, University of Pretoria, Series of
              •  Speakers at SA’s first Cannabis Expo, Pretoria,   Webinars around the legalisation of Cannabis in
                South Africa .                                  South Africa .
              •  International Cannabis Policy Conference
                (ICPC2018) , Vienna, Austria.
           104       CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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