Page 145 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 145
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws
6.4 The Importance Of Technology
Under prohibition, users, cultivators and traders our diverse country. The technological approach
in Cannabis have harnessed the power of is an excellent added tool to reach the desired
technology very successfully. The implementation rainbow-model of regulations, but is also the
of regulations should follow this trend and create a most feasible in terms of cost. Important inputs of
technology-based system from the outset. contemporary technologies (such as Blockchain-
based systems) would not only prevent a bloated
It is common knowledge that the percentage bureaucratic system, but would also require
of professionals working in the IT and related rigorous vetting of participants’ credentials in
industries and using Cannabis is high. We know order to combat costly failures with experimental
that in South Africa, we have many professionals systems and data-privacy issues.
keen to develop a system that is accessible to all in
6.5 Sharing Experiences With Other African Nations
It is suggested that South Africa invite envoys Property Organization (ARIPO), the UN Agenda for
from the SADC region to observe the process Sustainable Development, and the WHO’s recent
of establishing a legally regulated Cannabis assessment of Cannabis and Cannabinoids, as we
industry in our country. That way we would be keep pace with changes around the world and lead
able to share our experience and knowledge the way in Southern Africa. We are pleased that the
with each other and prevent any misconceptions African Union has already established an African
along the way. Use must be made of regional Union Expert Committee on Cannabis and we look
and international resources such as the African forward to further developments from this working
Union (AU), the African Regional Intellectual group.
6.6 Conclusion & Considerations
The government is still fighting the legalised commission of enquiry that actually HEARS the
regulation of Cannabis in South Africa in court and evidence underlying our work in this Manifesto?
the authors of this document are, in various ways,
plaintiffs in these court cases. We know there are The Trial of the Plant was filibustered out of time
already various stakeholders advocating for an by unnecessary deliberation over Fields of Green
end to Cannabis prohibition and fair regulation for ALL’s right to live-stream the proceedings on
in discussions with the government. This is our website. After almost two years of lengthy
indicative of the contradictions at play. Why has court deliberation, Fields of Green for ALL won the
the government not withdrawn their opposition live-streaming case with costs. Furthermore, the
in The Trial of the Plant? This would indicate trial was rendered part heard by the unnecessarily
their willingness to consider both the harms lengthy cross-examination of one of our key
of prohibition and the existence of a thriving, witnesses, Prof David Nutt. Prof Nutt did not
sustainable Cannabis industry that is already in complete his evidence and we only managed to
place. complete the evidence of one other witness,
Dr Craig Paterson, our history expert. The
It is for this reason that we are demanding plaintiffs spent years and went to great expense
a comprehensive and inclusive process of to enlist the evidence of Dr Donald Abrams,
discussions around the legal regulation a world-renowned Integrative Oncologist,
of Cannabis in South Africa – maybe a full but he had to return to San Francisco, USA,
CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform 101