Page 153 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 153

What  are  the  basics  of

      growing weed?

      Indoor  cannabis  cultivation  is  a

      rewarding  endeavor  that  basically                      Indoor  cultivation  provides  many
      can  be  done  in  any  climate.                          benefits  compared  to  outdoor

      Growing  pot  takes  attention  to                        cultivation,         including          control,
      detail  and  the  right  equipment,                       reproducibility, and risk mitigation

      time,  and  money,  but  the  benefits                    —      not      to     mention         location,
      reaped  from  growing  your  own                          location,  location.  The  goal  is  to

      weed are more than worth the time                         artificially        create        the       ideal

      and expense.                                              environment  for  your  plants  at all
                                                                growth  stages.  This  is  achieved

      Not only is the practice of gardening                     through             precise            lighting,
      itself  therapeutic,  it  also  lends  a                  temperature,           humidity,         carbon

      connection to the plants that cannot                      dioxide content, and air movement
      be  experienced  outside  of  a  hands-                   within each indoor growing space.

      on  approach.  Having  trained  and

      grown  out  a  favorite  cultivar  to                     Ultimately,  the  costs  of  equipment
      fruition is one of life's great joys for                  and recurring utility bills are more

      a marijuana enthusiast.                                   expensive  than  in  outdoor  and
                                                                greenhouse           settings.       However,

                                                                specialized          indoor         cultivation
                                                                equipment  allows  cultivators  to

                                                                achieve multiple harvests per year
                                                                and  a  more  reproducible  product.

                                                                If     you're       detail-oriented           and
                                                                technologically  inclined,  indoor

                                                                gardening  is  a  fun  and  rewarding

                                                                pastime,  or  could  even  be  a  full-
                                                                time job.
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