Page 155 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 155


     Soil is a great choice for beginners. It

     can  be  much  more  forgiving  and
     requires         less      precision         when

     watering  and  feeding  plants.  Less-
     frequent  watering  and  a  stable  pH

     foundation  can  drastically  increase                     Hydroponics  is  a  blanket  term  for
     the  likelihood  of  a  successful  first                  the  growing  of  plants  in  a  nutrient

     harvest. Soil also contains beneficial                     solution,  with  or  without  an  inert

     microbes  and  nutrients  that  help                       medium  to  provide  physical  root
     keep  plants  healthy,  though  it  also                   support. Media such as fused basalt

     creates  favorable  conditions  for                        rock       and        chalk       (known          as
     pests,  mold,  and  mildew  to  spread.                    rockwool), coconut fiber (coco coir),

     Working         with       soil    and       hand-         and  clay  pellets  (hydroton)  can
     watering  plants  can  also  be  messy,                    drastically           improve            nutrient

     but  it  will  allow  you  to  get  familiar               delivery. With a plant's roots system

     with  the  pace  in  which  your  plants                   exposed,         hydroponically             grown
     consume water and nutrients.                               cannabis can grow  faster and more
                                                                efficiently,  requiring  less  water  and

     cannabis plant soil                                        fewer  nutrients  but  also  requiring

     Soil can be much more forgiving and                        monitoring  systems  to  ensure  a
     requires         less      precision         when          stable pH.

     watering          and        feeding        plants
     additional nutrients.                                      Soilless mediums

                                                                Rockwool,  also  known  as  mineral

     Hydroponics                                                wool,  is  one  of  the  most  common

     Hydroponic media are viable indoor                         forms  of  hydroponic  media  for  the
     alternatives  to  soil,  but  they're                      beginning  stage  of  a  plant's  life.

     considered  more  advanced  because                        Rockwool is an inert substance, and
     they  bring  with  them  a  set  of                        its  composition  of  mineral  or  rock

     challenges  that  may  prove  difficult                    fibers  provides  a  relatively  sterile

     for  beginners.  Then  again,  if  going                   environment with a unique capacity
     hydroponic is in your plans, it's best                     to hold water. Rockwool will quickly

     to  learn  the  method  from  the                          expose  any  watering  or  feeding
     beginning.                                                 mistakes.  Missing  even  one  day  of
                                                                watering could be detrimental when

                                                                using       rockwool,         especially         for
                                                                tender young plants.
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