Page 157 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 157

Feeding  your  plant  is  the  process  of

      giving it the chemicals and compounds                       Top feed drain-to-waste systems can
      that  it  needs  to  grow  out  its  leaves,                be as simple as putting your plants

      roots,  and  ultimately  produce  the                       in  a  soilless  medium  and  watering
      heavy,         trichome-covered               flower        them from the top of the container,

      clusters  called  colas.  There  are  two                   either  with  a  drip  system  or  by

      main  types  of  feeding  systems:  drain-                  hand.
      to-waste and recirculating.

                                                                  Ebb  and  flow  systems,  also  known
      A  drain-to-waste  system  applies  fresh                   as  flood  and  drain  systems,  are  a

      nutrient solutions to the grow medium                       popular type of recirculating system
      every  time  the  plant  is  fed.  Any                      that uses a pump to bring water and

      nutrients  that  drain  through  the                        nutrients  from  a  reservoir  into  a

      medium are then disposed of and not                         flood  tray  where  the  plants  are
      reused.                                                     positioned  in  their  grow  medium.

                                                                  The nutrient solution floods the tray
      A  recirculating  system  collects  the                     and gets absorbed by the roots and

      nutrients  and  water  that  are  used,                     medium  before  slowly  draining
      replenishes  them,  but  with  a  smaller                   back into the reservoir. This process

      amount  of  fresh  nutrients,  then                         repeats  itself  on  a  timer  to  ensure

      reapplies the solution to the plants the                    that plants are properly hydrated.
      next  time  the  plant  is  fed.  A  grower

      will check the solution's pH before and                     Nutrient  Film  Technique  (NFT)  is
      after adjusting the nutrients.                              another  recirculating  system  in

                                                                  which  plants  are  suspended  by  net
      When  using  soil  as  your  primary                        baskets or neoprene collars that run

      medium,  drain-to-waste  is  the  only                      along a trough. A thin film of water

      possibility.  In  soilless  hydroponic                      and nutrients continually circulates
      systems,  it  is  up  to  the  growers'                     through  the  bottom  of  the  trough,

      preferences. Most hydroponic growers                        providing  food  to  the  tips  of  the
      will  opt  to  maintain  a  drain-to-waste                  roots,  while  leaving  a  majority  of

      system,  because  it  affords  them  full                   the root mass exposed to air.
      control       over      the     application         of

      nutrients.  Recirculating  systems  are

      typically       reserved  for           the     most
      advanced and efficient cultivators.
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