Page 158 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 158

Deep  Water  Culture  (DWC)  is  a                         If  you're  a  beginner,  prefabricated
    modular bucket system that suspends                        grow  tents  are  a  great  option,  as

    the plant's main stem in a net basket                      they  allow  for  minimal  wear  and

    while  the  roots  are  completely                         tear  on  your  property.  Instead  of
    immersed  in  a  highly  oxygenated                        renovating or building a new room,

    nutrient  solution.  An  air  pump                         grow tents can be set up and taken
    supplies  the  oxygen  to  the  nutrient                   down in a matter of minutes while

    solution which circulates through 3-5                      also  providing  a  clean,  reflective,
    gallon,  or  11.4-18.9  liter,  pots.  DWC                 and enclosed environment for your

    buckets can be configured to run in a                      plants  to  grow.  As  a  general  rule,

    stand-alone drain-to-waste system, or                      your  ceiling  height  should  be  at
    all  of  the  buckets  can  be  connected                  least a height of 8 feet, or about 2.4

    together  to  run  in  a  recirculating                    meters; this is the typical height of
    manner.                                                    a  tent.  Check  your  prospective

                                                               tent's        measurements                before
    Aeroponics  are  hydroponic  systems                       committing to the purchase.

    in  which  the  roots  are  suspended  in

    air and lightly misted with a nutrient                     Grow  tents  also  make  it  easier  for
    solution on regularly timed intervals.                     home  growers  to  maintain  two

    This  method  can  achieve  faster                         separate  environments:  one  for
    growth  rates  while  using  less  water                   vegetative  growth,  and  the  other

    and nutrients than other hydroponic                        for  flowering.  This  allows  you  to
    systems, though this is considered of                      keep  a  perpetual  harvest  going  by

    the  most  advanced  methods  of                           propagating  and  growing  young

    growing hydroponically.                                    plants  in  one  tent  and  flowering

                                                               another  set  of  plants  in  the  other
    Setting            up        your          grow:           tent.     Maintaining           a     balanced

    choosing a space                                           rotation  like  this  can  result  in

    Before you purchase any equipment,                         maximized harvests year over year.
    it  is  important  to  understand  the

    possible  limitations  of  an  indoor
    garden.  Consider  the  height  of  the

    ceiling,  how  much  insulation  your
    space offers, and your ease of access

    to  electricity  and  water.  Some  local

    jurisdictions may also ask that indoor
    gardens  mitigate  odors  during  the

    flowering phase.
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