Page 161 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 161
Creating the ideal environment
Metal-halide (MH) lights are a type of When it comes to cultivating cannabis
high-intensity discharge (HID) lights indoors, you need to be sure to
that work by igniting gas in a tube provide your plant with the optimal
with a spark of electricity. Metal- temperature, humidity, air circulation,
halide bulbs emit a spectrum of light CO2, and nutrients.
that is most beneficial during the
vegetative phase. They emit more Temperature and Humidity
usable light for a plant than a Maintaining the ideal temperature
fluorescent bulb does, but tend to and humidity at all times is crucial to
cost substantially more.
the health of your plants. Some plant
varieties prefer hot and humid
High-pressure sodium (HPS) bulbs climates, while others like it cool and
are highly efficient HID lights that dry. Keeping them alive and healthy
produce a very effective spectrum of means controlling the temperature
light to promote growth during the and humidity when the lights are on
flowering phase. Most HPS bulbs are or off.
double-ended and can last 10,000
hours without losing efficiency. Air conditioning (AC) and
While these lights are the humidification systems are used to
workhorses of most grow rooms control the temperature and relative
today, they produce a significant humidity of an indoor grow room.
amount of heat that needs to be The size of each unit is based on the
removed, increasing air conditioning amount of heat the lights and other
equipment produce in relation to the
size of the space. In an open grow
Light-emitting diode (LED) lights are room, intake and exhaust fans are
another form of high-intensity used to constantly exchange the air
lighting that have been growing in within the room to maintain a
popularity as their technology has consistent temperature. In sealed
advanced. LED lights produce a rooms, mini-split AC systems are used
spectrum suited for all phases of because they circulate the air in the
plant life. They typically cost more room without bringing in fresh air.
than other grow lights, but they last
much longer, are more energy AC systems maintain temperature and
efficient, and give off a lot less heat also dehumidify rooms. Fluctuations
than HID lighting.
in humidity can affect plant health
and should be controlled using a
dehumidifier or humidifier,
depending on conditions.