Page 163 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 163

Air circulation

      Air      movement            is    the      least        The walls, floors, trays, irrigation
      expensive  component  of  creating                      lines,  reservoirs,  lights,  and  fans

      an  ideal  environment  for  your                       should be cleaned using a three to

      plants.  Even  a  gentle  breeze  can                   five  percent  (3%-5%)  hydrogen
      help keep pests and microbes from                       peroxide  solution,  an  efficient

      landing  on  your  plants,  move                        sterilizing  agent  that  leaves  no
      oxygen and carbon dioxide around                        dangerous          or      toxic      residues

      the  leaves,  and  create  a  uniform                   behind. Be careful what you bring
      environment             throughout          your        into  your  grow  room.  Pets,  dirty

      room.  One  of  the  easiest  ways  to                  clothes,  and  contaminated  clones

      maintain  sufficient  air  circulation                  can introduce unwanted pests and
      is  by  hanging  oscillating  fans  on

      the  walls  or  ceiling/grow  tent                      Maintaining  a  grow  journal  and
      corners  and  placing  a  small  box

      fan on the floor. The goal with air                     logging  all  major  aspects  of  your
                                                              grow  is  one  of  the  cheapest,
      circulation  should  be  to  mimic  a

      light  breeze  and  avoid  powerful                     easiest  things  you  can  do  to
                                                              become  a  better  grower.  Logging
      gusts that may harm your plants.
                                                              daily  temperatures  along  with

                                                              water  and  feeding  amounts  will
      Tips for success                                        help  you  pinpoint  problems,  and

      The  health  of  your  garden  is                       may  give  you  something  to  show

      completely  dependent  upon  the                        other  growers  who  can  help  you
      environment  you  create  and  the                      resolve       issues,      increase        your

      equipment you select. It is easy to                     yields, and save a troubled crop.
      buy  a  new  line  of  nutrients,  but

      much  more  difficult  to  replace  an                  Remember,  not  everyone  was

      undersized air conditioner. Careful                     born  with  a  green  thumb  or  an
      planning  prior  to  your  grow  will                   affinity      for      setting      up      and

      go  a  long  way  in  saving  you  from                 maintaining  equipment.  But  with
      expensive mishaps.                                      practice, passion, and an attention

                                                              to  detail,  you  can  ready  yourself
      Cleanliness in an indoor                                for       an        amazing           growing

      garden cannot be                                        experience  that  has  the  potential

      overstated.                                             to  change  your  views  of  and
                                                              interaction  with  cannabis  for
      Clean your entire grow room                             good.

      before your first grow cycle and

      after every harvest.
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