Page 159 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 159
Electrical power
Whether you are growing two or
30 plants in your house, grow Water
equipment requires a significant Water quality is another key
amount of electricity, primarily aspect of indoor gardening. It's
from your lighting and air important to determine water
conditioning units. Make sure acidity and general mineral
that all electrical equipment is content prior to planting.
installed by a trained Checking the pH, the acidity or
professional to reduce the alkalinity of the water, is easy to
likelihood of an electrical fire. do with a handheld water
You don't need to be an quality meter. The same device
electrician to design an indoor can be used to check the total
grow, but having a basic mineral or chemical content of
understanding of watts, volts, your water as well. Knowing
and amps is essential. The these things will help you
equation below can be used to determine the correct amount of
determine whether your nutrients to feed your plants or
property has the minimum if fresh water needs to be
amount of power for an indoor introduced.
Odor control
Amps = Watts/Volts Most local jurisdictions require
you mitigate the odor from your
Always make a list of the power plants to avoid disturbing your
requirements for each piece of neighbors. Activated charcoal
equipment and make sure your filters absorb plant odor in your
electrical panels can support the grow area. Adding a charcoal
electrical load before you make filter to your HVAC system or
any big equipment purchases. placing one within your grow
space is a great way to
drastically reduce the odor. The
size of the filter is largely
dependent on the size of your
grow. Make sure filters are sized
and installed correctly. Keep
track of the life of the filter, as
their effectiveness diminishes
over time.