Page 156 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 156

Coco  Coir  is  the  fibrous  material

      found on and in coconut shells. As a                       Other           common               soilless

      byproduct of the coconut industry, it                      mediums  used  by  hydroponic
      is     favored        by     growers        as     a       growers            include           perlite,

      sustainable and renewable medium.                          vermiculite,  coarse  sand,  and
      Coco coir is an inert medium with a                        gravel.        Advanced            growers

      neutral pH that does not provide or                        frequently  mix  these  media  in
      maintain         any       nutrients.        These         custom  quantities  to  create

      qualities  are  great  for  growers  who                   blends  that  suit  their  specific

      know  how  to  appropriately  adjust                       growing style and environment.
      pH,  allowing  for  quick  pH  and

      nutrient  changes.  There  may  be  a
      learning        curve,       but      if    you're

      numerically  inclined,  it's  not  too
      hard  to  get  a  grip  on  the  process.

      Coco coir can be used either by itself

      or  added  to  soil  or  hydroton  for
      improved  drainage  and  growth


      Coco Coir cannabis plant

      Coco  Coir  is  the  fibrous  material

      found on and in coconut shells.
      Hydroton is a lightweight expanded

      clay  aggregate  composed  of  porous
      clay pebbles that can be used alone

      in  a  hydroponic  system  or  blended

      with  soil or  other soilless  mediums.
      Hydroton  does  not  retain  water  to

      the extent of coco coir or rockwool,
      but it does provide plant roots with

      equal       levels       of     oxygen.        Like
      rockwool, the biggest issue is that it

      can  dry  out  very  quickly,  so  you
      have  to  be  extra  careful  to  keep  it

      hydrated,  especially  when  used  on
      its own.
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