Page 160 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 160
Indoor Cannabis
Security Cultivation Lighting
Even when growing cannabis
legally, it's a good idea to minimize Correct lighting is crucial, as it
your public visibility as a grower drives photosynthesis. In other
and take some mild to moderate words, your plants will not grow
precautions. Simple steps, such as properly without proper lighting.
not geotagging your location when Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps
you post grow pictures or hiding the The intensity of light and its
glare from your grow lights when placement within your grow space
you run them at night, can go a long are important aspects to consider
way in keeping your prized indoor when choosing what kind of light to
garden secure. grow with. Low light levels will
slow photosynthesis, delay growth,
and result in poor yields. If your
Creating the ideal environment:
lighting light is too far away the plant will
Choosing the right horticultural not receive enough of it and will
lighting for your indoor grow can grow spindly. If your light is too
mean the difference between close it can damage the plant and
success and failure. Correct lighting ruin your colas.
is crucial, as it drives
photosynthesis. In other words, There are several different types of
your plants will not grow properly grow lights that serve different
without proper lighting. The purposes, each with their own sets
duration of your lighting controls of pros and cons.
the photoperiod, or the times in
which a grow is exposed to light. Fluorescent lights are affordable
During the vegetative growth phase, and use minimal wattage to
plants need a minimum of 16 hours produce a low-intensity light. They
of light. The most common schedule are available in strips or larger
during this phase is 18 hours of light arrays of multiple bulbs, and are
and six hours of darkness. To most commonly used during the
initiate flowering, plants need a germination and propagation of
shorter day, with 12 hours of light seeds and clones. They should not
and 12 hours of darkness. be used during the flowering phase.