Page 162 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 162


    With       lighting,       AC,      and       other         Adding  CO2  to  your  indoor  garden

    environmental  controls  in  place,                       can  drastically  improve  your  yields.
    indoor  cannabis  plants  will  require                   While  the  atmosphere  naturally  has

    large      amounts          of    fertilizer       or     an  average  CO2  concentration  of
    nutrients  throughout  their  lifespans.                  around  400  parts  per  million  (PPM),

    Hydroponic  systems  lack  the  base                      most indoor growers try to maintain
    nutrients that occur within soil; that                    a  range  of  800  to  2,000  PPM,

    leaves  it  up  to  you,  the  grower,  to                depending  on  the  plants'  growth
    feed  their  plants  with  nutrient                       stage.  Levels  above  2,000  PPM  can

    concentrations  —  the  exact  formula                    damage  plants,  and  anything  above

    of which depends upon plant variety                       3,000  PPM  can  be  dangerous  to
    and  phase  of  cultivation.  With                        humans.

    hydroponics,           salt-based        nutrients
    typically  come  in  the  form  of  a

    concentrated  liquid  or  dry  soluble
    powder  that  can  be  mixed  with                        The  amount  of  CO2  you  supplement

    water.                                                    your  garden  with  depends  on  how
                                                              much light your plants are receiving,

    As  a  cannabis  plant  develops,  its                    the  growth  phase  they  are  in,  and

    nutrient  needs  change.  That's  why                     their overall size. CO2 should only be
    different nutrient lines are available                    used during the “daylight” period, as

    for  different  growth  phases.  Most                     plants  are  unable  to  utilize  CO2  at
    nutrient           lines         come          with       night  or  in  the  dark.  Sealed  grow

    recommended  feeding  charts.  If                         rooms are ideal when supplementing
    you're just starting out, be sure to get                  CO2,  as  open  rooms  tend  to  exhaust

    to  know  your  nutrients  and  their                     the CO2 more quickly than the plants

    ratios.                                                   can use it.

                                                              CO2  can  be  supplemented  into  an
    Carbon dioxide                                            indoor garden using compressed gas

    supplementation                                           tanks         or       generators.            Using

    Controlling  the  amount  of  available                   compressed  CO2  tanks  is  the  most

    carbon dioxide (CO2) in your garden                       common  method  because  they're

    is     another        aspect       of     growing         readily available, easy to set up, and
    marijuana            at      home.          During        do  not  add  any  extra  heat  to  your

    photosynthesis,  CO2  converts  into                      room the way a CO2 generator does.
    sugar, which the plant uses as energy

    for  growing  its  vegetation  and,
    ultimately, its seeds or flowers.
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