Page 166 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 166
In the past when something got too
I was searching for some topics and difficult, I would give up and try
my friend Kelly recommed that I something else. Giving up was my go to
write about a few things but this move, for me this was not a bad thing
topic in particular got me laughing. because I have alot of memory issues so
moving on was the easiest thing in my
The reason why smoking cannabis life, but now that I have kids, I don't want
and exercising is so funny is because them to give up on their dream because
the moment you start exercising it's more comfortable.
after years of not exercising, you
realize how ridiculous you look. I know now that there are always a way,
This is not a health article but rather sometimes things happen in your life and
an article of my experience of using you can't control the situation. At those
weed while exercising. times in our lifetime we can learn about
ourselves. Ask yourself questions, get to
I use to hate exercing but now it's a the bottom of your brain, and if all fails
hobby, the thing I hate most about then smoking a joint and doing exercises
exercise is the fact that I'm so unfit, is exactly what you need.
so unhealthy. Being unfit is a real
effort. I'm not over weight but I had Exercising is a great way to get all your
a really painful pregnancy, which led anger and sadness out. There are
to me laying in bed for months. I exercises for everyone out there, it may
never realized what it was to truly be take a while before you know what
unfit until I found myself in a exercises you like. I've probably tried out
situation where walking was a 1000s of workout routines just so that I
punishment. can find something that will work best for
The first thing I do before I exercise
is smoke a big joint and it's the most I did not know that smoking and exercise
fun I've ever had, I don't think I've is a thing but I'm really glad I found out
ever laughed so hard. my heart that it is. I highly recommend getting
starts to pump and I start to giggle. really high before exercising. Right after
you smoke the joint, drink a big glass of
water before you exercise and always
keep water with you.
Written by ShazTheOnly