Page 167 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 167
Being high and exercising might just I've tried yoga a few times and I sadly
become one of our favourite hobbies! do not like it, Andre really enjoys it and
he says it helps him calm his mind.
Another fun way of exercing is taking Andre has ADHD and sometimes he
dance classes on YouTube while really feels like he has a 1000 thoughts at
high, this can also be a fun way to switch once and yoga can help him forget
your workout routine. I found an about thinking. I think yoga is also a
amazing guy on Youtube who dances great stress relief, especially if you have
really really fun, and doing it high lol, it a really demanding job.
was in Spanish so I did not understand
the lyrics of the music or the workout Exercise can also make you feel
routine, but I did understand the beat! I confident when you have completed a
could only do about 12 minutes of his workout. When doing any kind of
exercise because it was difficult and he exercise, just remember not to compete
got some moves, but being high made it or compare yourself to anybody else,
the funniest moments I had in a while. go at a pace that is right for you. Learn
about your body and what works for
Do you think you can beat my 12 you, being fit is about taking care of
minutes? If you can finish this workout yourself. No matter where you are in
routine then you're probably really fit, lol life, you can always start today.
this is Zumba at its best.
If you need any motivation for working
A few magazine Issues back we talked out or any motivation really, then find
about yoga and cannabis, which is also someone who has completed their
an amazing thing to try out because goals and look for some of their
when you do yoga high, your muscles speeches. I'm a huge fan of Steve
feels much more relaxed, esspesialy if Harvey and I've watched so much of his
you are as unfit as I am. motivation speeches, because he
motivates me to get up and do
something about it.
Watching anybody who inspires you can truly help you understand what you
want in life and it will give you the drive
and fire you need to reach your goals.