Page 154 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 154

To set up an indoor garden, you                        What  Is  the  best  way  to

      will  need  equipment  to  help
      create  a  stable  environment                         grow marijuana indoors?

      that      mimics        the      necessary             The  first  step  in  creating  a  proper
      periods of light and darkness to                       indoor  growing  environment  is  to

      grow        plants        through         the          decide on the medium and irrigation

      flowering  stage.  This  includes                      methods  you'll  be  using  to  supply
      horticultural  lighting,  fans  to                     your plants with the proper nutrients

      recreate         a     gentle       breeze,            throughout  their  growth  cycle.  The
      dehumidifiers  to  maintain  the                       medium  is  a  shelter  for  your  plants'

      proper humidity, HVAC (heating,                        roots  that  retains  moisture.  The
      ventilation,               and             air         irrigation  method  is  the  way  you

      conditioning),  and  all  the  basic                   deliver nutrients to the plants.
      supplies  that  a  plant  needs  to

      survive,  from  water  to  grow                        Unlike  outdoor  cultivation  —  where
      media to nutrients.                                    you  almost  always  use  soil  to  grow

                                                             your plants — growing indoors offers

      Planning,           designing,           and           several different options for growing
      implementing an indoor garden                          systems and media. Some media are

      can seem daunting, but having a                        easier  to  work  with  than  others,
      firm       understanding            of    the          while  some  are  a  little  trickier,  but

      basics  goes  a  long  way  in                         offer  more  control  over  the  finer
      helping  a  new  indoor  grower                        details.      Different         media        retain

      get  started  on  the  path  to  a                     moisture at  different rates,  which  in

      healthy and bountiful harvest.                         turn  determines  how  often  plants
                                                             need  to  be  watered.  Some  media
                                                             harbor  beneficial  microbes  that  can

                                                             help roots absorb nutrients better.
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