Page 39 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 39

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws


            This Manifesto is a uniquely South African         Dagga as “unscientific and wrong” and that it
            solution to the injustice that is Dagga / Cannabis   constitutes a violation of our Human Rights. Our
            prohibition. It is for you, the South African Dagga   unresolved High Court case is the key to crucial
            user, cultivator, trader, legislator and policy maker.   evidence showing both the ever-present harms
            On behalf of Fields of Green for ALL, we present to   of prohibition and the beneficial properties of a
            South Africa (and the world) an evidence-based set   remarkable plant. If we find South Africa’s new
            of ethics and scenarios that we wish to see being   Cannabis laws and regulations to be lacking  in
            used as a foundation and guide for new Laws and    evidence,  integrity,  foresight and Constitutional
            Regulations around Dagga in South Africa.          voracity, we will continue  with  our  original
                                                               Constitutional Court challenge. Prohibitive costs
            Six years in the making, the final stretch over    of litigation could be mitigated by continued
            the last few months has been particularly          government engagement with the real experts –
            challenging since Jules was murdered. These are    the existing Cannabis industry in South Africa.
            also exciting times for the Cannabis plant and
            her community. The plant and her people have       Although the draft Cannabis for Private Purposes
            been an unwavering source of strength for me at    Bill has suffered almost unilateral rejection from
            a time when I am broken. When I speak of “we”      those with insight, there has been some progress
            and “our” I speak together with the spirit of The   made with discussions around a National Cannabis
            Dagga Couple, our amazingly dedicated Fields       Master Plan for South Africa and this is promising.
            of Green for ALL Team and all our supporters
            gathered along this journey to free us from Dagga   What remains is for this Manifesto to be widely
            prohibition.                                       read and discussed. It is our wish that our voices
                                                               will be heard, loud & clear, with the return of the
            It is a matter of utmost urgency that the South    Dagga plant to its rightful position in our lives,
            African Police Service be ordered to respect the   sharing our planet with no fear of persecution,
            Constitutional Court judgment of September 2018    whatsoever.
            and stop ALL arrest, harassment, profiling and
            incarceration of those who possess and cultivate   Thank you to everyone involved, from the bottom
            Dagga in private spaces. This needs to be made     of my heart.
            clear by means of an unambiguous directive issued
            by the highest in command in order that inclusive
            discussions may to proceed in good faith.

            This Manifesto is written with The Trial of the
            Plant in mind. In the course of the 3 editions over   Myrtle Clarke
            the last 6 years, we have revisited our original   Managing Director
            Affidavit submitted to the Pretoria High Court     Fields of Green for ALL NPC
            in 2011, where we described the prohibition of     Remaining Half of The Dagga Couple

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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