Page 43 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 43
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws
executive summary
Since 18 September 2018, every citizen has the policy makers should make use of the large
right to grow and consume Cannabis in a private spectrum of legal policy frameworks available,
space. In a unanimous decision effectively as well as drawing from the experience of
“decriminalising” Cannabis in South Africa, stakeholders such as Fields of Green for ALL and
the Constitutional Court ordered parliament to their constituency of Cannabis users, growers and
rewrite the law pertaining to the personal use traders.
and cultivation of Cannabis within private spaces.
At the time of this publication trade (or “dealing” Any proposed Cannabis legalisation model must
as the prohibitionists call it), remains illegal in first understand how the existing Cannabis
South Africa. industry in South Africa is structured. Based on
evidence we presented during The Trial of the
The purpose of this document, which is called the Plant, we have structured the foundation of our
“Full Spectrum Manifesto for Legal Regulation” is to Manifesto around four pillars to help the reader
provide a framework for Cannabis regulations that understand how Cannabis law reform can create
benefits all South Africans. Every citizen must be different subsectors in the economy: Responsible
able to function within evidence-based regulations, Adult Use; Traditional, Cultural & Religious Uses;
without favour being granted to those who have Industrial Uses; Health Uses.
the capital or infrastructure in place already, or at
their disposal. Cannabis cannot be considered de There are also six ethical principles that we use
jure legal in South Africa unless each and every as a guiding force when discussing Cannabis
adult citizen has access to the legal Cannabis policy. These principles should be a major factor
economy should they wish, whilst complying throughout the discussion in South Africa and be
with regulations. what sets us apart from the rest of the countries
formulating regulations. The South African
Our experience at the forefront of Cannabis Cannabis market, post legalisation, will have many
legalisation in South Africa, as well as working facets and dynamics across a wide spectrum of
with fellow activists across the world, has meant products, the dynamics of which will be dictated
we are able to provide unique insight into how by supply and demand. From quality control
Cannabis should be regulated. We propose the to promoting responsible use and legal supply,
Full Spectrum Model which aims to address each of these aspects will need to be proactively
concerns of corruption as well as taking into considered in alignment with these ethical
account our country’s long standing history with principles, which will result in a more robust legal
Cannabis. Seven centuries of cultivation and use Cannabis industry.
of Cannabis in South Africa have embedded the
plant in our country’s economy. Millions of people The current potential for the legalisation of
are involved in, or benefit from, the cultivation of Cannabis in South Africa has been brought about
and trade in Cannabis in South Africa. There is no through active citizenry on the part of Cannabis
specific demographic attached to any aspect of users, cultivators and traders, of all genders,
the Cannabis market in South Africa. From rural ages and races nationwide. Participation from
communities steeped in traditional cultivation and stakeholders is crucial to ensure that, however
use, to wealthy executives having their high grade the final Cannabis Bill is implemented, it will be
delivered to the door, Cannabis use is all pervasive contextually relevant to reflect the issues that
in South Africa and on the subcontinent. South Africa and its citizens are facing. Fields of
Green for All is at the forefront of this conversation
Cannabis law reform in South Africa cannot and have been tirelessly working towards creating
happen in a vacuum. There is a need to look into a Cannabis industry that is inclusive, sustainable
Drug Policy around the world. Fields of Green for and human rights based. We look forward
ALL has been involved in international activism engaging in discussions on our Full Spectrum
at several levels in order to maintain a balanced Manifesto for Legal Regulation, as well as what the
perspective on the subject and prevent repeating rest of our Cannabis legalisation journey entails.
the mistakes of other countries. South African
CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform v