Page 40 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 40
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws
Dedicated to
Julian Christopher Stobbs
1959 – 2020
Our Captain Green, murdered in his home.
Another victim of violent crime in South Africa
for whom there will probably never be any justice
while the police continue to persecute our
Cannabis Community.
“The only way you are going to uplift this economy
is to unleash the plant for everybody. Not hemp,
not medicine, Dagga. All of it.”
– Jules Stobbs, East London, South Africa,
February 2020.
Dedicated to each and every human being on
this planet who has ever been persecuted for
their use, possession, cultivation and trade in the
Cannabis plant and to all Drug Policy activists
worldwide, thank you and we will not give up
until we are all free.
Authors Editors
Myrtle Clarke Suresh Patel (Managing Editor)
Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli Marleen Theunissen
(Independent Drug Policy Researcher) Hagen Engler
Imiel Visser
Contributing Authors Brett Pollack
Julian Stobbs
(History Section - Jules’ favourite topic) Design and Layout
Suresh Patel
(Stakeholder Manager, Fields of Green for ALL) Keith and Lois McKay
Marleen Theunissen
(Operations Manager, Fields of Green for ALL)
Michael Krawitz Printed by Sassy Print (Pty)Ltd
(International Advocate for Cannabis Policy Reform)
Amy King
(Independent Drug Policy Researcher)
Warren Smith (Community Activist)
William Wallace (Cannabis Entrepreneur)
CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform