Page 68 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 68
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws Cultivation
Due to the abundance of sun during our long Cannabis Cultivation in South Africa:
summers, most Cannabis is grown outdoors in Relevant Factors
South Africa and neighbouring countries. The size
of the areas under cultivation is directly related to Seeds
the quality and price. Three types of cultivation are While some rural farmers and small-scale growers
observed: still use seed harvested from the previous year’s
crop, thus perpetuating/maintaining ancient local
Indoor Grown varieties, there are also local suppliers offering
Indoor Grown in an environmentally quality seed sourced or bred locally. Some of these
controlled indoor area under artificial suppliers have become agents for international
lighting, the high level of control allows seed companies in order to guarantee the supply
for maximum production per square of good genetic material for a quality product.
metre. Due to popular perpetual growing and However, there are concerns about the fair and
hydroponic (soilless) techniques, indoor growers equitable sharing of benefits over these resources.
are also able to meet the exact needs of the
plants by optimising light cycles, water, airflow, Quality
temperature and nutrients. Intensive indoor In rural areas where individual farmers tend small
cultivation of high-value strains is undertaken plots covering vast, often inaccessible areas, most
on private properties and other areas around the Cannabis is of varying quality, tending towards the
country, generally near to urban centres. lower end of the scale. However, the quality has
improved during recent years due to improved
Greenhouse access to seed and education on better growing
Greenhouses provide either a plastic or methods. This is also due to local and international
shade netting enclosure to minimise Cannabis enthusiasts with an interest in the
damage from weather and garden local cultivars, “helping” rural farmers to improve
pests. They rely predominantly on quality.
sunshine as the light source. Organic and
hydroponic greenhouse methods are popular Diversity
among farmers, as the space allows for larger Smaller-scale, higher-quality illicit farming takes
plants than indoor spaces. place in every outlying area in the country.
Historically, indigenous black communities have
Outdoor cultivated the plant, but recent decades have seen
Cannabis thrives outdoors and can a transformation of the landscape. Nowadays,
produce large crop yields when cared many cultivation projects are run by more affluent,
for. The vast majority of Cannabis in better-educated farmers who have moved from
South Africa is grown outdoors under other industries. This has resulted in a rainbow
varying conditions. This is the simplest method of nation of Cannabis farmers, with a diversity of
cultivation but there is a risk of crop damage and characteristics, aspirations, practices, traditions
eradication due to inclement weather, pests or and backgrounds.
the police. Legacy outdoor cultivation in the rural
areas is linked to local endemic varieties of the Home Cultivation & Dagga Private Clubs
plant (called “landraces”). These landraces, specific Many South Africans grow Cannabis in their own
to local conditions of cultivation and traditional gardens. This is mainly for their own use, but at
processing methods, constitute true sources times they trade with friends to cover cultivation
of biological diversity that deserve adequate expenses and to earn a nominal extra income.
protection. These landraces are also renowned These home growers rarely rely on Cannabis
internationally and are the basis for many newly as their sole source of income. This informal
bred Cannabis plant varieties and cultivars exchange market has often been compared to
worldwide, but also a potential drawcard for rural Dagga Private Clubs as they exist in Europe or
Cannabis tourism. North America.
24 CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform