Page 72 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 72

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            South Africa voted Yes for all 4 votes:            Cannabis despite their obligations under the UN
            1.  To delete Cannabis and Cannabis resin from     Drugs Conventions”  provided they meet certain
               Schedule IV of the 1961 Convention.             conditions:
            2.  To add dronabinol and its stereoisomers (delta-  1.   The legal regulations must be motivated by a
               9-tetrahydrocannabinol) to Schedule I of the       relevant human rights based interest,
               1961 Convention .                               2.   A more effective human rights protection must
            3.  To delete extracts and tinctures of Cannabis      be substantiated,
               from Schedule I of the 1961 Convention          3.   A national democratic support and an inclusive
            4.  To add a footnote to the entry for cannabis       decision making process are needed,
               and Cannabis resin in Schedule I of the 1961    4.  The legal regulation must not affect or
               Convention to read “Preparations containing        disadvantage other states (closed system),
               predominantly cannabidiol and not more than      5.  The State has an obligatory policy of
               0.2 per cent of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol       discouragement of use (i.e., prevention and
               are not under international control”               harm reduction).

            In light of these positive developments there is   “If a State is able to satisfy these conditions, under
            still massive room for improvement in revising     current international law it can legitimately
            International Drug Control Conventions (IDCC)      prioritise the human rights obligations over and
            not just for Cannabis, but for all drugs.          above any conflicting obligations arising from the
                                                               UN Narcotic Drugs Conventions”  and regulate
            Governments tend to use the IDCC as an excuse                          35
            to hamper reform efforts. However, as outlined     Cannabis for adult use ,” the academics contend.
            in the Heads of Argument for our intervention      These scholars just strengthen the evidence
            in the WCHC case in the Constitutional Court ,     backing the Constitutional Court’s ruling:
            the time for using the conventions against us      Human Rights prevail over prohibition, which
            is over. Indeed, it is now largely recognised that   implies that drug policies that violate human
            “obligations  derived from the drug control        rights, either nationally or internationally can be
            conventions are subordinate to human rights        disregarded. This is valid in terms of international
            obligations”. Many provisions of the drug          human rights law, but also internally, as “South
            control conventions conflict with human rights     Africa’s international obligations are subject to
            obligations – which has been demonstrated in       South Africa’s constitutional obligations. The
            concrete by the Constitutional Court of South      Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic
            Africa – to wit, “human rights violations occurring   and, in entering into international agreements,
            in the name of drug control can never be justified   South Africa must ensure that its obligations in
            by States or their defenders as a necessary and    terms of those agreements are not in breach of
            unavoidable part of fulfilling international drug   its constitutional obligations.” 36
            control obligations” .
                                                               The South African Constitution obliges our
            The academics Van Kempen and Fedorova explain      government to breach the IDCC to the extent
            that “under international law, states must give    that limitations of the conventions enable laws
            priority to their human rights obligations over and   that do not respect human rights and dignity.
            above any conflicting obligations under the UN     Arrests, incarceration and victimisation because
            Drugs Conventions. This means that states have     of Cannabis cultivation, use and trade under laws
            the possibility under international law to regulate   that are not based on evidence are cases in point.

           28        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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