Page 75 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 75

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            African Neighbours                                 for the final product to be used as an Active
                                                               Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) .
            In 2017, Lesotho became the first African nation
            to issue licences permitting the cultivation of    There is conflicting information about the
            Cannabis for medicinal and research purposes,      cost and entry requirements of licensing, all of
            followed by Zimbabwe in 2018, Uganda in 2019       which  exclude locals due to the high costs of
            and Malawi in 2020. Cannabis remains illegal for   “compliance” i.e. security measures or sterile
            the citizens of these countries and this means that   packaging rooms. While we understand the strict
            Basotho, Zimbabwean,Ugandan and Malawian           regulations required for producing registered
            people are not allowed to use, possess or cultivate   medicine, this should not be the only avenue,
            Cannabis, nor are they allowed to access Cannabis   as there are too many barriers to entry for local
            products for their own benefit, whether for        cultivators and traders.
            industrial, traditional, religious, medicinal or    There are grey areas with regard to the trade
            adult use.
                                                               and export of the final product. Neither African
            Despite the granting of these medical and          country mentioned above has regulations in place
            research cultivation licences in these countries,   to allow its own citizens to trade in or consume
            we remain sceptical as to the benefits to the local   Cannabis. This means there is a lost opportunity in
            population. For instance:                          not allowing individuals and SMEs to benefit from
                                                               the global Cannabis movement.
            •  Lesotho citizens continue to be arrested on
               the street and in their homes whilst large      In 2020, unfortunately not much has changed,
               quantities of Cannabis cross the border every   besides the fact that a few more countries
               day into South Africa .                         have “legalised” Cannabis under a medicinal
            •  In Zimbabwe, unlicensed growing or              framework, such as Rwanda, Ghana and Zambia.
               possession could carry a 12-year prison         Global demand for landrace strains  has made
               sentence.                                       African Cannabis genetics extremely valuable to

            Employment and community-based opportunities       seed breeders. Strains that have been grown for
            for locals are limited due to the fact that        generations in all parts of Africa are now being
            GMP  -certified grow facilities are often highly   exported across the world, most often with no
            automated, thus reducing the need for physical     benefit to the local communities who have been
            labour. GMP certifications are required in order   tending these genetics for generations.

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  31
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